Holographic RG flows and AdS 5 black strings from 5D half-maximal gauged supergravity
Dao, H.L. ; Karndumri, P.
Karndumri, P.
Alternative Title
We study five-dimensional N= 4 gauged supergravity coupled to five vector multiplets with compact and non-compact gauge groups U(1) × SU(2) × SU(2) and U(1) × SO(3 , 1). For U(1) × SU(2) × SU(2) gauge group, we identify N= 4 AdS 5 vacua with U(1) × SU(2) × SU(2) and U(1) × SU(2) diag symmetries and analytically construct the corresponding holographic RG flow interpolating between these critical points. The flow describes a deformation of the dual N= 2 SCFT driven by vacuum expectation values of dimension-two operators. In addition, we study AdS 3 × ? 2 geometries, for ? 2 being a two-sphere S 2 or a two-dimensional hyperbolic space H 2 , dual to twisted compactifications of N= 2 SCFTs with flavor symmetry SU(2). We find a number of AdS 3 × H 2 solutions preserving eight supercharges for different twists from U(1) × U(1) × U(1) and U(1) × U(1) diag gauge fields. We numerically construct various RG flow solutions interpolating between N= 4 AdS 5 critical points and these AdS 3 × H 2 geometries in the IR. The solutions can also be interpreted as supersymmetric black strings in asymptotically AdS 5 space. These types of holographic solutions are also studied in non-compact U(1) × SO(3 , 1) gauge group. In this case, only one N= 4 AdS 5 vacuum exists, and we give an RG flow solution from this AdS 5 to a singular geometry in the IR corresponding to an N= 2 non-conformal field theory. An AdS 3 × H 2 solution together with an RG flow between this vacuum and the N= 4 AdS 5 are also given. © 2019, The Author(s).
Source Title
European Physical Journal C
Springer New York LLC
Series/Report No.
Attribution 4.0 International