
What is ScholarBank@NUS?         
Who can Contribute?   
What can be Deposited?                
How to Deposit   
Content Review                
Access Setting & Restrictions                
Terms of Use             

What is ScholarBank@NUS?

ScholarBank@NUS is the digital institutional repository (IR) of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Established in 2010 as a joint initiative between the NUS Libraries and NUS Information Technology, its goals are to collect, archive, preserve, showcase and provide online access to the research output of NUS to the world, and through this, maximise the research visibility, usage and impact of NUS researchers' works and demonstrate the University's research excellence.

ScholarBank@NUS contains a range of scholarly works with different levels of access but its primary objective is to facilitate open access to the University's research publications and data underpinning published research findings. The repository also serves as a provision for NUS researchers to adhere to and fulfil open access mandates imposed by funding agencies. Content in the repository will remain accessible in perpetuity.


Who can Contribute?

Contributors to the repository must be members of the NUS community at time of publication or submission. Eligible contributors would include:

  • NUS staff with assigned staff numbers and NUS-IDs
  • NUS departments/NUS affiliated Research Institutes/Centres
  • NUS students


What can be Deposited?

In general, the Library seeks to archive and preserve all scholarly research output authored by NUS researchers and staff members. These include, but are not limited to, publications and related datasets that validate published research findings. The Library reserves the right not to accept materials that are not appropriate for the repository.

Content scope

We accept the following material types in digital form:

  • Architectural drawings/plans
  • Audio & video recordings
  • Books & book chapters
  • Case studies
  • Conference proceedings
  • Datasets
  • Journal articles - refereed/non-refereed, editorials, book reviews, letter, etc
  • Maps
  • Music scores
  • Pictorial works
  • Patents
  • Policy briefs and reports
  • Software and codes
  • Theses and dissertations
  • Working papers

Types of scholarly output accepted

  • Academic publications, e.g., books and book chapters, conference proceedings, journal articles, etc.
  • Other scholarly outputs (including datasets) that are associated with published research findings. They should be complete and ready for distribution.

Accepted file formats

Scholarbank@NUS is able to accept submission and downloading of files in all digital formats. However, some functionalities, for e.g. online viewing, might not be available for certain formats which require proprietary software. Accessibility and usage of digital files are also dependent on the obsolescence of computer hardware and software. To facilitate long-term preservation, researchers are encouraged to submit their works in open format wherever possible. Following are the recommended file formats:

Text, Page Description, Data and Microsoft Office File Formats.csv, .pdf, .txt, .ps, .rtf, .xml, .html, .htm, .css, .doc, .docx .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .latex, .tex, .zip, .tab, .por, .odt
Image File Formats.tif, .jpg, .jpg2, .gif, .png, .bmp, .psd, .ai, .eps
Video File Formats.mp1, .mp2, .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv
Audio File Formats.mp3, m4a, .mp4, .aif, aiff, .wav, .wma, .au, .snd, .flac
Geospatial FormatsESRI Shapefile: .dbf, .prj, .shp, .shx, .sbx, .sbn, .xml, .inf


How to Deposit

How to Deposit Scholarly Works (Non-datasets)

NUS Staff

You can deposit your works by self-uploading the files to the repository. Please click here for a step by step guide.

NUS Elements                               
Refer to this guide on how to deposit publications via NUS Elements.

DepartmentsDepartments who wish to submit works of the staff/researcher or Undergraduate theses of their department, please contact the ScholarBank Team for more details.
NUS Students

For Postgraduate students who are doing Masters (by Research) or PhD, your theses/dissertations should be submitted via the NUS Graduate School to ScholarBank@NUS. For Undergraduate students, your theses should be submitted via your department coordinators to ScholarBank@NUS.

For deposit of Masters (by Coursework) theses or scholarly works jointly-authored by the NUS students with their supervisors, please contact the ScholarBank Team for more details.

How to Deposit Research Datasets

NUS StaffYou can deposit your works by self-uploading the files to the repository. Please click here for a step by step guide.
DepartmentsDepartments may contact the ScholarBank Team for more details.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive and confidential data such as those derived from human subjects research or any other data source that is considered private by law, should be anonymised and all identifiers (e.g. names, residential addresses, contact numbers, email addresses, etc. that could be used to re-identify study participants) must be removed prior to deposit. Any usage of personal data must be in accordance to the University’s Data Management Policy and any requirements of the NUS Institutional Review Board or other regulatory bodies.


Content Review

While the repository preserves and provides access to works/datasets deposited, the individuals submitting the works/datasets either through the online submission or through a department-administrator-mediated submission, are solely responsible for the content of their work. The repository administrators do not systematically review the content of submissions for compliance with intellectual property, privacy, or other applicable law.


Access Setting & Restrictions

The default access setting in ScholarBank@NUS is “Open”, i.e. the metadata record and individual full-text items deposited are visible and accessible publicly. Open access to deposited works and data encourages their distribution, dissemination, promotion and use. However, there may be situations when the depositor needs to impose access restrictions on individual items or content collections. Contact the ScholarBank Team if you need to restrict access to the items you are depositing in the repository.

ScholarBank@NUS currently offers the following levels of access restrictions at either individual item level or collection level:

  • Restricted: Full-text of content are accessible only by NUS staff and students while the metadata is accessible publicly.
  • Embargoed: Full-text is closed for a specific period of time as determined by the depositor but the metadata record is accessible publicly.
  • Closed: Only the metadata record is accessible publicly.


Terms of Use

All users of ScholarBank@NUS are required to observe the Terms of Use.