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Title: Hybrid Membranes of PLLA/Collagen for Bone Tissue Engineering: A Comparative Study of = Scaffold Production Techniques for Optimal Mechanical Properties and Osteoinduction Ability
Authors: Gonçalves, F
Bentini, R 
Burrows, M.C
Carreira, A.C.O
Kossugue, P.M
Sogayar, M.C
Catalani, L.H
Keywords: Alkalinity
Cell culture
Cell immobilization
Cell proliferation
Mechanical properties
Odor control
Spinning (fibers)
Stem cells
Tensile strength
Tissue engineering
Alkaline phosphatase activity
Bone tissue engineering
Carbodiimide chemistry
Collagen immobilization
Mesenchymal stem cell
Osteoblastic differentiation
Osteogenic differentiation
Synthetic polymers
Scaffolds (biology)
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: MDPI AG
Citation: Gonçalves, F, Bentini, R, Burrows, M.C, Carreira, A.C.O, Kossugue, P.M, Sogayar, M.C, Catalani, L.H (2015). Hybrid Membranes of PLLA/Collagen for Bone Tissue Engineering: A Comparative Study of = Scaffold Production Techniques for Optimal Mechanical Properties and Osteoinduction Ability. Materials 8 (2) : 408-423. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Abstract: Synthetic and natural polymer association is a promising tool in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to compare five methodologies for producing hybrid scaffolds for cell culture using poly-L-lactide (PLLA) and collagen: functionalization of PLLA electrospun by (1) dialkylamine and collagen immobilization with glutaraldehyde and by (2) hydrolysis and collagen immobilization with carbodiimide chemistry; (3) co-electrospinning of PLLA/chloroform and collagen/hexafluoropropanol (HFP) solutions; (4) co-electrospinning of PLLA/chloroform and collagen/acetic acid solutions and (5) electrospinning of a co-solution of PLLA and collagen using HFP. These materials were evaluated based on their morphology, mechanical properties, ability to induce cell proliferation and alkaline phosphatase activity upon submission of mesenchymal stem cells to basal or osteoblastic differentiation medium (ODM). Methods (1) and (2) resulted in a decrease in mechanical properties, whereas methods (3), (4) and (5) resulted in materials of higher tensile strength and osteogenic differentiation. Materials yielded by methods (2),(3) and (5) promoted osteoinduction even in the absence of ODM. The results indicate that the scaffold based on the PLLA/collagen blend exhibited optimal mechanical properties and the highest capacity for osteodifferentiation and was the best choice for collagen incorporation into PLLA in bone repair applications. © 2015 by the authors.
Source Title: Materials
ISSN: 1996-1944
DOI: 10.3390/ma8020408
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Appears in Collections:Elements
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