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Title: Cross-Platform App Recommendation by Jointly Modeling Ratings and Texts
Authors: Da Cao
Liqiang Nie 
 Xiangnan He 
Xiaochi Wei
Xia Hu
Shunxiang Wu
Tat-Seng Chua 
Keywords: App recommendation
hybrid system
Issue Date: 24-Aug-2017
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery
Citation: Da Cao, Liqiang Nie,  Xiangnan He, Xiaochi Wei, Xia Hu, Shunxiang Wu, Tat-Seng Chua (2017-08-24). Cross-Platform App Recommendation by Jointly Modeling Ratings and Texts. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 35 (4). ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Over the last decade, the renaissance of Web technologies has transformed the online world into an application (App) driven society. While the abundant Apps have provided great convenience, their sheer number also leads to severe information overload, making it difficult for users to identify desired Apps. To alleviate the information overloading issue, recommender systems have been proposed and deployed for the App domain. However, existing work on App recommendation has largely focused on one single platform (e.g., smartphones), while it ignores the rich data of other relevant platforms (e.g., tablets and computers). In this article, we tackle the problem of cross-platform App recommendation, aiming at leveraging users' and Apps' data on multiple platforms to enhance the recommendation accuracy. The key advantage of our proposal is that by leveraging multiplatform data, the perpetual issues in personalized recommender systems-data sparsity and cold-start-can be largely alleviated. To this end, we propose a hybrid solution, STAR (short for "croSs-plaTform App Recommendation") that integrates both numerical ratings and textual content from multiple platforms. In STAR, we innovatively represent an App as an aggregation of common features across platforms (e.g., App's functionalities) and specific features that are dependent on the resided platform. In light of this, STAR can discriminate a user's preference on an App by separating the user's interest into two parts (either in the App's inherent factors or platform-aware features). To evaluate our proposal, we construct two real-world datasets that are crawled from the App stores of iPhone, iPad, and iMac. Through extensive experiments, we show that our STAR method consistently outperforms highly competitive recommendation methods, justifying the rationality of our cross-platform App recommendation proposal and the effectiveness of our solution. © 2017 ACM.
Source Title: ACM Transactions on Information Systems
ISSN: 10468188
DOI: 10.1145/3017429
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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