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Title: No Reliable Association between Runs of Homozygosity and Schizophrenia in a Well-Powered Replication Study
Authors: Johnson E.C.
Bjelland D.W.
Howrigan D.P.
Abdellaoui A.
Breen G.
Borglum A.
Cichon S.
Degenhardt F.
Forstner A.J.
Frank J.
Genovese G.
Heilmann-Heimbach S.
Herms S.
Hoffman P.
Maier W.
Mattheisen M.
Morris D.
Mowry B.
M�ller-Mhysok B.
Neale B.
Nenadic I.
N�then M.M.
O?Dushlaine C.
Rietschel M.
Ruderfer D.M.
Rujescu D.
Schulze T.G.
Simonson M.A.
Stahl E.
Strohmaier J.
Witt S.H.
Ripke S.
Neale B.M.
Corvin A.
Walters J.T.R.
Farh K.-H.
Holmans P.A.
Lee P.
Bulik-Sullivan B.
Collier D.A.
Huang H.
Pers T.H.
Agartz I.
Agerbo E.
Albus M.
Alexander M.
Amin F.
Bacanu S.A.
Begemann M.
Belliveau R.A.
Bene J.
Bergen S.E.
Bevilacqua E.
Bigdeli T.B.
Black D.W.
Bruggeman R.
Buccola N.G.
Buckner R.L.
Byerley W.
Cahn W.
Cai G.
Campion D.
Cantor R.M.
Carr V.J.
Carrera N.
Catts S.V.
Chambert K.D.
Chan R.C.K.
Chen R.Y.L.
Chen E.Y.H.
Cheng W.
Cheung E.F.C.
Chong S.A.
Robert Cloninger C.
Cohen D.
Cohen N.
Cormican P.
Craddock N.
Crowley J.J.
Curtis D.
Davidson M.
Davis K.L.
Del Favero J.
Demontis D.
Dikeos D.
Dinan T.
Djurovic S.
Donohoe G.
Drapeau E.
Duan J.
Dudbridge F.
Durmishi N.
Eichhammer P.
Eriksson J.
Escott-Price V.
Essioux L.
Fanous A.H.
Farrell M.S.
Franke L.
Freedman R.
Freimer N.B.
Friedl M.
Friedman J.I.
Fromer M.
Georgieva L.
Giegling I.
Giusti-Rodr�guez P.
Godard S.
Goldstein J.I.
Golimbet V.
Gopal S.
Gratten J.
de Haan L.
Hammer C.
Hamshere M.L.
Hansen M.
Hansen T.
Haroutunian V.
Hartmann A.M.
Henskens F.A.
Hirschhorn J.N.
Hoffmann P.
Hofman A.
Hollegaard M.V.
Hougaard D.M.
Ikeda M.
Joa I.
Juli� A.
Kahn R.S.
Kalaydjieva L.
Karachanak-Yankova S.
Karjalainen J.
Kavanagh D.
Kennedy J.L.
Khrunin A.
Kim Y.
Klovins J.
Knowles J.A.
Konte B.
Kucinskas V.
Kucinskiene Z.A.
Kuzelova-Ptackova H.
K�hler A.K.
Laurent C.
Chee Keong J.L.
Hong Lee S.
Legge S.E.
Lerer B.
Li M.
Li T.
Liang K.-Y.
Lieberman J.
Limborska S.
Loughland C.M.
Lubinski J.
L�nnqvist J.
Macek M.
Magnusson P.K.E.
Maher B.S.
Mallet J.
Marsal S.
Mattingsdal M.
McCarley R.W.
McDonald C.
McIntosh A.M.
Meier S.
Meijer C.J.
Melegh B.
Melle I.
Mesholam-Gately R.I.
Metspalu A.
Michie P.T.
Milani L.
Milanova V.
Mokrab Y.
Mors O.
Murphy K.C.
Murray R.M.
Myin-Germeys I.
M�ller-Myhsok B.
Nelis M.
Nertney D.A.
Nestadt G.
Nicodemus K.K.
Nikitina-Zake L.
Nisenbaum L.
Nordin A.
O'Callaghan E.
O'Dushlaine C.
Anthony O'Neill F.
Oh S.-Y.
Olincy A.
Olsen L.
Van Os J.
Pantelis C.
Papadimitriou G.N.
Papiol S.
Parkhomenko E.
Pato M.T.
Paunio T.
Pejovic-Milovancevic M.
Perkins D.O.
Pietil�inen O.
Pimm J.
Pocklington A.J.
Powell J.
Price A.
Pulver A.E.
Purcell S.M.
Quested D.
Rasmussen H.B.
Reichenberg A.
Reimers M.A.
Richards A.L.
Roffman J.L.
Roussos P.
Salomaa V.
Sanders A.R.
Schall U.
Schubert C.R.
Schwab S.G.
Scolnick E.M.
Scott R.J.
Seidman L.J.
Shi J.
Sigurdsson E.
Silagadze T.
Silverman J.M.
Sim K. 
Slominsky P.
Smoller J.W.
So H.-C.
Spencer C.C.A.
Stahl E.A.
Stefansson H.
Steinberg S.
Stogmann E.
Straub R.E.
Strengman E.
Scott Stroup T.
Subramaniam M.
Suvisaari J.
Svrakic D.M.
Szatkiewicz J.P.
S�derman E.
Thirumalai S.
Toncheva D.
Tosato S.
Veijola J.
Waddington J.
Walsh D.
Wang D.
Wang Q.
Webb B.T.
Weiser M.
Wildenauer D.B.
Williams N.M.
Williams S.
Wolen A.R.
Wong E.H.M.
Wormley B.K.
Xi H.S.
Zai C.C.
Zheng X.
Zimprich F.
Wray N.R.
Stefansson K.
Visscher P.M.
Adolfsson R.
Andreassen O.A.
Blackwood D.H.R.
Bramon E.
Buxbaum J.D.
B?rglum A.D.
Darvasi A.
Domenici E.
Ehrenreich H.
Esko T.
Gejman P.V.
Gill M.
Gurling H.
Hultman C.M.
Iwata N.
Jablensky A.V.
J�nsson E.G.
Kendler K.S.
Kirov G.
Knight J.
Lencz T.
Levinson D.F.
Li Q.S.
Liu J.
Malhotra A.K.
McCarroll S.A.
McQuillin A.
Moran J.L.
Mortensen P.B.
Mowry B.J.
N�then M.M.
Ophoff R.A.
Owen M.J.
Palotie A.
Pato C.N.
Petryshen T.L.
Posthuma D.
Riley B.P.
Sham P.C.
Sklar P.
Clair D.S.
Weinberger D.R.
Wendland J.R.
Werge T.
Daly M.J.
O'Donovan M.C.
Sullivan P.F.
Keller M.C.
Keywords: Article
case control study
controlled study
educational status
genetic association
genetic parameters
genome analysis
major clinical study
molecular pathology
replication study
runs of homozygosity
single nucleotide polymorphism
social status
urban population
genome-wide association study
human genome
Genome, Human
Genome-Wide Association Study
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Johnson E.C., Bjelland D.W., Howrigan D.P., Abdellaoui A., Breen G., Borglum A., Cichon S., Degenhardt F., Forstner A.J., Frank J., Genovese G., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Herms S., Hoffman P., Maier W., Mattheisen M., Morris D., Mowry B., M�ller-Mhysok B., Neale B., Nenadic I., N�then M.M., O?Dushlaine C., Rietschel M., Ruderfer D.M., Rujescu D., Schulze T.G., Simonson M.A., Stahl E., Strohmaier J., Witt S.H., Ripke S., Neale B.M., Corvin A., Walters J.T.R., Farh K.-H., Holmans P.A., Lee P., Bulik-Sullivan B., Collier D.A., Huang H., Pers T.H., Agartz I., Agerbo E., Albus M., Alexander M., Amin F., Bacanu S.A., Begemann M., Belliveau R.A., Bene J., Bergen S.E., Bevilacqua E., Bigdeli T.B., Black D.W., Bruggeman R., Buccola N.G., Buckner R.L., Byerley W., Cahn W., Cai G., Campion D., Cantor R.M., Carr V.J., Carrera N., Catts S.V., Chambert K.D., Chan R.C.K., Chen R.Y.L., Chen E.Y.H., Cheng W., Cheung E.F.C., Chong S.A., Robert Cloninger C., Cohen D., Cohen N., Cormican P., Craddock N., Crowley J.J., Curtis D., Davidson M., Davis K.L., Del Favero J., Demontis D., Dikeos D., Dinan T., Djurovic S., Donohoe G., Drapeau E., Duan J., Dudbridge F., Durmishi N., Eichhammer P., Eriksson J., Escott-Price V., Essioux L., Fanous A.H., Farrell M.S., Franke L., Freedman R., Freimer N.B., Friedl M., Friedman J.I., Fromer M., Georgieva L., Giegling I., Giusti-Rodr�guez P., Godard S., Goldstein J.I., Golimbet V., Gopal S., Gratten J., de Haan L., Hammer C., Hamshere M.L., Hansen M., Hansen T., Haroutunian V., Hartmann A.M., Henskens F.A., Hirschhorn J.N., Hoffmann P., Hofman A., Hollegaard M.V., Hougaard D.M., Ikeda M., Joa I., Juli� A., Kahn R.S., Kalaydjieva L., Karachanak-Yankova S., Karjalainen J., Kavanagh D., Kennedy J.L., Khrunin A., Kim Y., Klovins J., Knowles J.A., Konte B., Kucinskas V., Kucinskiene Z.A., Kuzelova-Ptackova H., K�hler A.K., Laurent C., Chee Keong J.L., Hong Lee S., Legge S.E., Lerer B., Li M., Li T., Liang K.-Y., Lieberman J., Limborska S., Loughland C.M., Lubinski J., L�nnqvist J., Macek M., Magnusson P.K.E., Maher B.S., Mallet J., Marsal S., Mattingsdal M., McCarley R.W., McDonald C., McIntosh A.M., Meier S., Meijer C.J., Melegh B., Melle I., Mesholam-Gately R.I., Metspalu A., Michie P.T., Milani L., Milanova V., Mokrab Y., Mors O., Murphy K.C., Murray R.M., Myin-Germeys I., M�ller-Myhsok B., Nelis M., Nertney D.A., Nestadt G., Nicodemus K.K., Nikitina-Zake L., Nisenbaum L., Nordin A., O'Callaghan E., O'Dushlaine C., Anthony O'Neill F., Oh S.-Y., Olincy A., Olsen L., Van Os J., Pantelis C., Papadimitriou G.N., Papiol S., Parkhomenko E., Pato M.T., Paunio T., Pejovic-Milovancevic M., Perkins D.O., Pietil�inen O., Pimm J., Pocklington A.J., Powell J., Price A., Pulver A.E., Purcell S.M., Quested D., Rasmussen H.B., Reichenberg A., Reimers M.A., Richards A.L., Roffman J.L., Roussos P., Salomaa V., Sanders A.R., Schall U., Schubert C.R., Schwab S.G., Scolnick E.M., Scott R.J., Seidman L.J., Shi J., Sigurdsson E., Silagadze T., Silverman J.M., Sim K., Slominsky P., Smoller J.W., So H.-C., Spencer C.C.A., Stahl E.A., Stefansson H., Steinberg S., Stogmann E., Straub R.E., Strengman E., Scott Stroup T., Subramaniam M., Suvisaari J., Svrakic D.M., Szatkiewicz J.P., S�derman E., Thirumalai S., Toncheva D., Tosato S., Veijola J., Waddington J., Walsh D., Wang D., Wang Q., Webb B.T., Weiser M., Wildenauer D.B., Williams N.M., Williams S., Wolen A.R., Wong E.H.M., Wormley B.K., Xi H.S., Zai C.C., Zheng X., Zimprich F., Wray N.R., Stefansson K., Visscher P.M., Adolfsson R., Andreassen O.A., Blackwood D.H.R., Bramon E., Buxbaum J.D., B?rglum A.D., Darvasi A., Domenici E., Ehrenreich H., Esko T., Gejman P.V., Gill M., Gurling H., Hultman C.M., Iwata N., Jablensky A.V., J�nsson E.G., Kendler K.S., Kirov G., Knight J., Lencz T., Levinson D.F., Li Q.S., Liu J., Malhotra A.K., McCarroll S.A., McQuillin A., Moran J.L., Mortensen P.B., Mowry B.J., N�then M.M., Ophoff R.A., Owen M.J., Palotie A., Pato C.N., Petryshen T.L., Posthuma D., Riley B.P., Sham P.C., Sklar P., Clair D.S., Weinberger D.R., Wendland J.R., Werge T., Daly M.J., O'Donovan M.C., Sullivan P.F., Keller M.C. (2016). No Reliable Association between Runs of Homozygosity and Schizophrenia in a Well-Powered Replication Study. PLoS Genetics 12 (10) : e1006343. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Abstract: It is well known that inbreeding increases the risk of recessive monogenic diseases, but it is less certain whether it contributes to the etiology of complex diseases such as schizophrenia. One way to estimate the effects of inbreeding is to examine the association between disease diagnosis and genome-wide autozygosity estimated using runs of homozygosity (ROH) in genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism arrays. Using data for schizophrenia from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (n = 21,868), Keller et al. (2012) estimated that the odds of developing schizophrenia increased by approximately 17% for every additional percent of the genome that is autozygous (? = 16.1, CI(?) = [6.93, 25.7], Z = 3.44, p = 0.0006). Here we describe replication results from 22 independent schizophrenia case-control datasets from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (n = 39,830). Using the same ROH calling thresholds and procedures as Keller et al. (2012), we were unable to replicate the significant association between ROH burden and schizophrenia in the independent PGC phase II data, although the effect was in the predicted direction, and the combined (original + replication) dataset yielded an attenuated but significant relationship between Froh and schizophrenia (? = 4.86,CI(?) = [0.90,8.83],Z = 2.40,p = 0.02). Since Keller et al. (2012), several studies reported inconsistent association of ROH burden with complex traits, particularly in case-control data. These conflicting results might suggest that the effects of autozygosity are confounded by various factors, such as socioeconomic status, education, urbanicity, and religiosity, which may be associated with both real inbreeding and the outcome measures of interest. ? 2016 Johnson et al.
Source Title: PLoS Genetics
ISSN: 15537390
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006343
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
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