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<p> This is a corpus of SMS (Short Message Service) messages collected for research at the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. This dataset consists of 67,093 SMS messages taken from the corpus on Mar 9, 2015. The messages largely originate from Singaporeans and mostly from students attending the University. These messages were collected from volunteers who were made aware that their contributions were going to be made publicly available. The data collectors opportunistically collected as much metadata about the messages and their senders as possible, so as to enable different types of analyses. </p> <p> This corpus was collected by Tao Chen and Min-Yen Kan. If you use this data, please ensure the following paper is cited. For more details, please refer to Citation field. </p> <ul> <li>Tao Chen and Min-Yen Kan (2013). Creating a Live, Public Short Message Service Corpus: The NUS SMS Corpus. Language Resources and Evaluation, 47(2)(2013), pages 299-355. URL: <a href=""></a></li> </ul>
Corpus creation, Crowdsourcing, Mechanical turk, SMS corpus, Chinese, English
Chen, T., Kan Min-Yen (2015-03-09). The National University of Singapore SMS Corpus. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. [Dataset]. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>