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Title: Definition of the carboxy termini of the three glycoproteins specified by dengue virus type 2
Authors: Wright, P.J.
Cauchi, M.R.
Ng, M.L. 
Issue Date: Jul-1989
Citation: Wright, P.J.,Cauchi, M.R.,Ng, M.L. (1989-07). Definition of the carboxy termini of the three glycoproteins specified by dengue virus type 2. Virology 171 (1) : 61-67. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The carboxy termini of the three glycoproteins (prM, E, and NS1) specified by dengue virus type 2 (DEN-2) were determined. The glycoproteins were radiolabeled with selected amino acids chosen following analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of the polyprotein and then digested with carboxypeptidase A. The pattern of release of radioactive amino acids enabled definition of the carboxy termini. In addition, the amino terminus of NS2A was determined by Edman degradation of the radiolabeled protein. The results showed that no amino acids were lost at the carboxy termini of prM, E, and NS1 during their cleavage from the DEN-2 polyprotein. For each glycoprotein, the carboxy terminal amino acid immediately preceded the amino terminal acid of the following polypeptide. © 1989.
Source Title: Virology
ISSN: 00426822
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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