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Title: An exclusively mesodermal origin of fin mesenchyme demonstrates that zebrafish trunk neural crest does not generate ectomesenchyme
Authors: Lee, R.T.H.
Knapik, E.W.
Thiery, J.P. 
Carney, T.J.
Keywords: Dermomyotome
Fin mesenchyme
Neural crest
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2013
Citation: Lee, R.T.H., Knapik, E.W., Thiery, J.P., Carney, T.J. (2013-07-15). An exclusively mesodermal origin of fin mesenchyme demonstrates that zebrafish trunk neural crest does not generate ectomesenchyme. Development (Cambridge) 140 (14) : 2923-2932. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The neural crest is a multipotent stem cell population that arises from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube and generates both nonectomesenchymal (melanocytes, peripheral neurons and glia) and ectomesenchymal (skeletogenic, odontogenic, cartilaginous and connective tissue) derivatives. In amniotes, only cranial neural crest generates both classes, with trunk neural crest restricted to nonectomesenchyme. By contrast, it has been suggested that anamniotes might generate derivatives of both classes at all axial levels, with trunk neural crest generating fin osteoblasts, scale mineral-forming cells and connective tissue cells; however, this has not been fully tested. The cause and evolutionary significance of this cranial/trunk dichotomy, and its absence in anamniotes, are debated. Recent experiments have disputed the contribution of fish trunk neural crest to fin osteoblasts and scale mineral-forming cells. This prompted us to test the contribution of anamniote trunk neural crest to fin connective tissue cells. Using genetics-based lineage tracing in zebrafish, we find that these fin mesenchyme cells derive entirely from the mesoderm and that neural crest makes no contribution. Furthermore, contrary to previous suggestions, larval fin mesenchyme cells do not generate the skeletogenic cells of the adult fin, but persist to form fibroblasts associated with adult fin rays. Our data demonstrate that zebrafish trunk neural crest does not generate ectomesenchymal derivatives and challenge long-held ideas about trunk neural crest fate. These findings have important implications for the ontogeny and evolution of the neural crest. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
Source Title: Development (Cambridge)
ISSN: 09501991
DOI: 10.1242/dev.093534
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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