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Title: Measurement-based quantum computing with a spin ensemble coupled to a stripline cavity
Authors: Ping, Y.
Gauger, E.M.
Benjamin, S.C. 
Issue Date: Jan-2012
Citation: Ping, Y., Gauger, E.M., Benjamin, S.C. (2012-01). Measurement-based quantum computing with a spin ensemble coupled to a stripline cavity. New Journal of Physics 14 : -. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Recently, a new form of quantum memory was proposed. The storage medium is an ensemble of electron spins, coupled to a stripline cavity and an ancillary readout system. Theoretical studies suggest that the system should be capable of storing numerous qubits within the ensemble, and an experimental proof-of-concept has already been performed. Here, we show that this minimal architecture is not limited to storage but is in fact capable of full quantum processing by employing measurement-based entanglement. The technique appears to be remarkably robust against the anticipated dominant error types. The key enabling component, namely a readout technology that nondestructively determines 'are there n photons in the cavity?', has already been realized experimentally. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Source Title: New Journal of Physics
ISSN: 13672630
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/1/013030
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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