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Title: Long range failure-tolerant entanglement distribution
Authors: Li, Y.
Barrett, S.D.
Stace, T.M.
Benjamin, S.C. 
Issue Date: Feb-2013
Citation: Li, Y., Barrett, S.D., Stace, T.M., Benjamin, S.C. (2013-02). Long range failure-tolerant entanglement distribution. New Journal of Physics 15 : -. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: We introduce a protocol to distribute entanglement between remote parties. Our protocol is based on a chain of repeater stations, and exploits topological encoding to tolerate very high levels of defects and errors. The repeater stations may employ probabilistic entanglement operations which usually fail; ours is the first protocol to explicitly allow for technologies of this kind. Given an error rate between stations in excess of 10%, arbitrarily long range high fidelity entanglement distribution is possible even if the heralded failure rate within the stations is as high as 99%, providing that unheralded errors are low (order 0.01%). © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Source Title: New Journal of Physics
ISSN: 13672630
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/2/023012
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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