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Title: The decomposition of the loop space of the mod 2 More space
Authors: Grbić, J.
Selick, P.
Wu, J. 
Keywords: Homotopy decomposition
Mod 2 Moore spaces
Modular representation theory of the symmetric groups
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Grbić, J., Selick, P., Wu, J. (2008). The decomposition of the loop space of the mod 2 More space. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 8 (2) : 945-951. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In 1979 Cohen, Moore and Neisendorfer determined the decomposition into indecomposable pieces, up to homotopy, of the loop space on the mod p Moore space for primes p>2 and used the results to find the best possible exponent for the homotopy groups of spheres and for Moore spaces at such primes. The corresponding problems for p=2 are still open. In this paper we reduce to algera the determination of the base in decomposable factor in the decomposition of the mod 2 Moore space. The algebraic problems involved in determining detailed information about this factor are formidable, related to deep unsolved problems in the modular representation theory of the symmetric groups. Our decomposition has not led (thus far) to a proof of the conjectured existence of an exponent for the homotopy groups of the mod 2 Moore space or to an improvement in the known bounds for the exponent of the 2 -torsion in the homotopy groups of spheres. © 2008 Algebraic & Geometric Topology.
Source Title: Algebraic and Geometric Topology
ISSN: 14722747
DOI: 10.2140/agt.2008.8.945
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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