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Title: Oscillation theorems for certain second order nonlinear difference equations
Authors: Wong, P.J.Y.
Agarwal, R.P. 
Issue Date: 15-Dec-1996
Citation: Wong, P.J.Y., Agarwal, R.P. (1996-12-15). Oscillation theorems for certain second order nonlinear difference equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 204 (3) : 813-829. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In this paper discrete inequalities are used to offer sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the difference equation Δ(an(Δyn)σ) +qn+ 1 f(yn + 1)=rn, n≥0 where 0 < σ = p/q with p, q odd integers, or p even and q odd integers. Several examples which dwell upon the importance of our results are also included. © 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
Source Title: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
ISSN: 0022247X
DOI: 10.1006/jmaa.1996.0469
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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