Sourav Mukhopadhyay
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Publication Improved self-healing key distribution with revocation in wireless sensor network(2007) Dutta, R.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; COMPUTER SCIENCEIn this paper, we develop and analyze a new self-healing key distribution scheme with revocation capability, scalable to very large groups in unreliable ad hoc wireless environment. The main emphasis of our proposed scheme is that it has significant improvement in terms of both storage and communication overhead compared to the previous works. The storage overhead of our self-healing key distribution with t revocation capability is O((t + l) log q), and the communication complexity is O((t + 1 + j) log q), where q is a large prime and j is the current session number. In contrast to the previous schemes, we use a different and more efficient self-healing technique. On a more positive note, our scheme enables reuse of personal key of a user to next m sessions and consequently, overcomes the restriction of m sessions in Setup phase, unlike previous works. Moreover, we analyze our scheme in an appropriate security framework and proved that it is unconditionally secure and achieves both forward secrecy and backward secrecy. © 2007 IEEE.Publication Constant storage self-healing key distribution with revocation in wireless sensor network(2007) Dutta, R.; Wu, Y.D.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; COMPUTER SCIENCEA self-healing key distribution scheme enables a large group of users (sensor nodes) to establish a session key dynamically over an unreliable, or lossy wireless network. The main property of self-healing ensures that the qualified users can recover the lost session keys on their own from the broadcast packets and some private information, without any additional communication with the group manager, thus decreasing the load on the group manager. The only requirement for a user to recover the lost session keys, is its membership in the group both before and after the sessions in which the broadcast packets containing the keys are sent. Self-healing approach of key distribution is stateless in the sense that a user who has been off-line for some period is able to recover the lost session keys immediately after coming back on-line. This paper presents a new selfhealing key distribution scheme with revocation capability that requires constant storage of personal keys for each user and we feel, it is more efficient than the previous schemes in terms of communication complexity. The novelty of this scheme is to use a different and more efficient self-healing mechanism compared to the ones in the literature. The scheme is supported by a proper security analysis in an appropriate security model. It is unconditionally secure and achieves both forward and backward secrecy. Moreover, unlike previous works, proposed self-healing key distribution is not restricted to m sessions in Setup phase. Keywords: sensor network, session key distribution, self-healing, revocation, unconditional security, optimal storage overhead. © 2007 IEEE.Publication Efficient self-healing key distribution with revocation for wireless sensor networks using one way key chains(2007) Dutta, R.; Chang, E.-C.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; COMPUTER SCIENCESecurity of group communication for large mobile wireless sensor network hinges on efficient key distribution and key management mechanism. As the wireless medium is characterized by its lossy nature, reliable communication cannot be assumed in the key distribution schemes. Therefore, self-healing is a good property for key distribution in wireless applications. The main idea of self-healing key distribution scheme is that even if during a certain session some broadcast messages are lost due to network faults, the users are capable of recovering lost session keys on their own, without requesting additional transmission from the group manager. The only requirement for a user to recover the lost session keys, is its membership in the group both before and after the sessions in which the broadcast packets containing the keys are sent. Self-healing approach of key distribution is stateless in the sense that a user who has been off-line for some period is able to recover the lost session keys immediately after coming back on-line. In this paper, we propose two constructions for scalable self-healing key distribution with t revocation capability. The novelty of our constructions are that we apply a different and more efficient self-healing mechanism compared to the ones in the literature using one-way key chain. The main improvements that our proposed schemes achieve over previous approaches are (a) communication bandwidth reduces from O((t j + j - t - 1) log q) to O((t + 1) log q), and (b) computation costs for our first and second constructions reduce from O(2tj +j) to O(2t + 1) and O(2(t 2 + t)) respectively, where m is the maximum number of sessions, j is the current session number, t is the maximum number of compromised group members that may collude and q is a large prime number. We achieve this result without any increase in the storage complexity. The schemes are scalable to very large groups in highly mobile, volatile and hostile network. We prove in an appropriate security framework that our constructions are computationally secure and achieve both forward secrecy and backward secrecy. sensor network, session key distribution, self-healing, revocation, computational security. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.Publication Designing scalable self-healing key distribution schemes with revocation capability(2007) Dutta, R.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; COMPUTER SCIENCESelf-healing key distribution is a potential candidate to establish session keys for secure communication to large and dynamic groups in highly mobile, volatile and hostile wireless network, where frequent membership changes may be necessary and ability to revoke users during certain exchanges is desirable. The main property of self-healing key distribution scheme is that even if during a certain session some broadcast messages are lost due to network faults, the users are capable of recovering lost session keys on their own, without requesting additional transmission from the group manager. In this paper, we propose a scalable self-healing key distribution with t revocation capability. Our proposed scheme has improvement in storage overhead over the previous approaches with the same communication cost required by the most optimal previous scheme. The scheme is supported by a proper security analysis in an appropriate security model. We prove that it is unconditionally secure and achieve both forward secrecy and backward secrecy. Our proposed self-healing key distribution is not restricted to m sessions in Setup phase. Besides, we develop a construction for self-healing key distribution that enables key recovery from a single broadcast message. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.