Herbert Crepaz

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Publication Search Results

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  • Publication
    Cavity enhanced atomic magnetometry
    (2015) Crepaz H.; Ley L.Y.; Dumke R.; CENTRE FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
    Atom sensing based on Faraday rotation is an indispensable method for precision measurements, universally suitable for both hot and cold atomic systems. Here we demonstrate an all-optical magnetometer where the optical cell for Faraday rotation spectroscopy is augmented with a low finesse cavity. Unlike in previous experiments, where specifically designed multipass cells had been employed, our scheme allows to use conventional, spherical vapour cells. Spherical shaped cells have the advantage that they can be effectively coated inside with a spin relaxation suppressing layer providing long spin coherence times without addition of a buffer gas. Cavity enhancement shows in an increase in optical polarization rotation and sensitivity compared to single-pass configurations.
  • Publication
    In-vivo biomagnetic characterisation of the American cockroach
    (2018) Kong L.-J.; Crepaz H.; Górecka A.; Urbanek A.; Dumke R.; Paterek T.; CENTRE FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
    We present a quantitative method, utilising a highly sensitive quantum sensor, that extends applicability of magnetorelaxometry to biological samples at physiological temperature. The observed magnetic fields allow for non-invasive determination of physical properties of magnetic materials and their surrounding environment inside the specimen. The method is applied to American cockroaches and reveals magnetic deposits with strikingly different behaviour in alive and dead insects. We discuss consequences of this finding to cockroach magneto-reception. To our knowledge, this work represents the first characterisation of the magnetisation dynamics in live insects and helps to connect results from behavioural experiments on insects in magnetic fields with characterisation of magnetic materials in their corpses. © 2018 The Author(s).