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Jane Ann Cauley
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Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12016Anticholinergic medication use and falls in postmenopausal women: Findings from the women's health initiative cohort studyMarcum, Z.A; Wirtz, H.S; Pettinger, M; Lacroix, A.Z; Carnahan, R; Cauley, J.A ; Bea, J.W; Gray, S.L
22009Association of blood lead concentrations with mortality in older women: A prospective cohort studyKhalil, N; Wilson, J.W; Talbott, E.O; Morrow, L.A; Hochberg, M.C; Hillier, T.A; Muldoon, S.B; Cummings, S.R; Cauley, J.A 
32017Burden and Correlates of Falls among Rural Elders of South India: Mobility and Independent Living in Elders StudySharma, P.K; Bunker, C.H; Singh, T; Ganguly, E; Reddy, P.S; Newman, A.B; Cauley, J.A 
41-Sep-2017Chronic joint pain and handgrip strength correlates with osteoporosis in mid-life women: a Singaporean cohortLogan, S ; Thu, WPP ; Lay, WK; Wang, LY; Cauley, JA ; Yong, EL 
52017Determinants of Change in Objectively Assessed Sleep Duration among Older MenSmagula, S.F; Harrison, S; Cauley, J.A ; Ancoli-Israel, S; Cawthon, P.M; Cummings, S; Stone, K.L
62013Estradiol promotes the development of a fibrotic phenotype and is increased in the serum of patients with systemic sclerosisAida-Yasuoka, K; Peoples, C; Yasuoka, H; Hershberger, P; Thiel, K; Cauley, J.A ; Medsger, T.A; Feghali-Bostwick, C.A
72010Fatty acid consumption and risk of fracture in the Women's Health InitiativeOrchard, T.S; Cauley, J.A ; Frank, G.C; Neuhouser, M.L; Robinson, J.G; Snetselaar, L; Tylavsky, F; Wactawski-Wende, J; Young, A.M; Lu, B; Jackson, R.D
82015Greater skeletal muscle fat infiltration is associated with higher all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in older menMiljkovic, I; Kuipers, A.L; Cauley, J.A ; Prasad, T; Lee, C.G; Ensrud, K.E; Cawthon, P.M; Hoffman, A.R; Dam, T.-T; Gordon, C.L; Zmuda, J.M
92013Health risks and benefits from calcium and vitamin D supplementation: Women's Health Initiative clinical trial and cohort studyPrentice, R.L; Pettinger, M.B; Jackson, R.D; Wactawski-Wende, J; Lacroix, A.Z; Anderson, G.L; Chlebowski, R.T; Manson, J.E; Van Horn, L; Vitolins, M.Z; Datta, M; Leblanc, E.S; Cauley, J.A ; Rossouw, J.E
102010Indicators of "healthy aging" in older women (65-69 years of age). A data-mining approach based on prediction of long-term survivalSwindell, W.R; Ensrud, K.E; Cawthon, P.M; Cauley, J.A ; Cummings, S.R; Miller, R.A
112014Magnesium intake, bone mineral density, and fractures: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Observational StudyOrchard, T.S; Larson, J.C; Alghothani, N; Bout-Tabaku, S; Cauley, J.A ; Chen, Z; LaCroix, A.Z; Wactawski-Wende, J; Jackson, R.D
122012Mortality Associated with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Older WomenNanchen D.; Rodondi N.; Cornuz J.; Hillier T.; Ensrud K.E.; Cauley J.A. ; Bauer D.C.
132010Postmenopausal hormones and sleep quality in the elderly: A population based studyTranah, G.J; Parimi, N; Blackwell, T; Ancoli-Israel, S; Ensrud, K.E; Cauley, J.A ; Redline, S; Lane, N; Paudel, M.L; Hillier, T.A; Yaffe, K; Cummings, S.R; Stone, K.L
142011Potential explanatory factors for higher incident hip fracture risk in older diabetic adultsStrotmeyer, E.S; Kamineni, A; Cauley, J.A ; Robbins, J.A; Fried, L.F; Siscovick, D.S; Harris, T.B; Newman, A.B
152016Prevalent and incident vertebral deformities in midlife women: Results from the study of women's health across the Nation (SWAN)Greendale G.A.; Wilhalme H.; Huang M.-H.; Cauley J.A. ; Karlamangla A.S.
162016Prevalent peripheral arterial disease and inflammatory burdenCauley, J.A ; Kassem, A.M; Lane, N.E; Thorson, S
172013Rates of bone loss among women initiating antidepressant medication use in midlifeDiem, S.J; Ruppert, K; Cauley, J.A ; Lian, Y; Bromberger, J.T; Finkelstein, J.S; Greendale, G.A; Solomon, D.H
181-Oct-2021Sexual inactivity and sexual dysfunction in midlife Singaporean women: A prospective cross-sectional study of prevalence and risk factorsLOGAN SUSAN JANE SINCLAIR; WIN PA PA THU, ANGELICA ; Kylie Ho; Cauley, J.A ; Kramer, Michael S. ; Yong, E.L. 
191-Oct-2022The Associations between Upper and Lower Body Muscle Strength and Diabetes among Midlife WomenWong, Beverly WX ; Thu, Win Pa Pa ; Chan, Yiong Huak ; Kramer, Michael S ; Logan, Susan ; Cauley, Jane A ; Yong, Eu-Leong 
202005Tumor necrosis factor-α polymorphism, bone strength phenotypes, and the risk of fracture in older womenMoffett, S.P; Zmuda, J.M; Oakley, J.I; Beck, T.J; Cauley, J.A ; Stone, K.L; Lui, L.-Y; Ensrud, K.E; Hillier, T.A; Hochberg, M.C; Morin, P; Peltz, G; Greene, D; Cummings, S.R