Full Name
Tsai Her Mann
(not current staff)
Tsai, H.M.
Tsai, H.-M.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-20 of 95 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12002A CFD and CSD interaction algorithm for large and complex configurationsLai, K.L. ; Tsai, H.M. ; Lum, K.-Y. 
2Aug-2007A combined experimental and analytical investigation of the vortex stability over sharp-edged slender bodiesCai, J.S. ; Cui, Y.D. ; Tsai, H.M. 
32003A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Algorithm and Swarm Algorithm for Airfoil Shape Optimization ProblemsTan, C.M.; Ray, T. ; Tsai, H.M. 
41-Feb-2007A multigrid overset grid flow solver with implicit hole cutting methodLiao, W. ; Cai, J. ; Tsai, H.M. 
52008A novel method of flow injection and suction for lift enhancementChng, T.L. ; Zhang, J. ; Tsai, H.M. 
62004A numerical study of transonic buffet on a supercritical airfoilXiao, Q. ; Tsai, H.M. ; Liu, F.
72004A parallel hybrid optimization algorithm for robust airfoil designRay, T. ; Tsai, H.M. 
8Dec-2006A parallel viscous flow solver on multi-block overset gridsCai, J. ; Tsai, H.M. ; Liu, F.
92004A parallel, multigrid overset grid flow solver using implicit hole cuttingLiao, W. ; Cai, J. ; Tsai, H.M. 
102003Aerodynamic design of cascades by using an adjoint equation methodYang, S.; Wu, H.-Y.; Liu, F.; Tsai, H.-M. 
112005Aerodynamic design of turbine blades using an adjoint equation methodWu, H.-Y.; Liu, F.; Tsai, H.-M. 
122006Aerodynamic design optimization by the adjoint equation method on overset gridsLiao, W. ; Tsai, H.M. 
13Apr-2010Aerodynamic shape optimization on overset grids using the adjoint methodLiao, W. ; Tsai, H.M. 
14May-2010Aeroelastic simulations using gridless boundary condition and small perturbation techniquesLai, K.L. ; Carolina, L. ; Tsai, H.M. 
152004Aircraft configuration design using a multidisciplinary optimization approachRao, C.S. ; Ray, T. ; Tsai, H.M. 
162006An algebraic elliptic grid generator with grid spacing controlDhanabalan, S.S. ; Tsai, H.M. 
172008An embedded Cartesian grid Euler solver with radial basis function for boundary condition implementationCarolina, L. ; Tsai, H.M. ; Liu, F.
182003An overset grid solver for viscous computations with multigrid and parallel computingCai, J. ; Tsai, H.-M. ; Liu, F.
192006Application of co-flow jet concept on thin airfoil at high angle of attackRachman, A. ; Tsai, H.M. ; Zha, G.-C.
202003Application of spline matrix for mesh deformation with dynamic multi-block gridsLai, K.L. ; Tsai, H.M. ; Liu, F.