Full Name
Hwai Loong Kong
Kong, H.L.
Kong, H.-L.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11999Cancer gene therapy - Fantasy or foresight?Kong, H.L. 
22005Combined endostatin/sFlt-1 antiangiogenic gene therapy is highly effective in a rat model of HCCGraepler, F.; Verbeek, B.; Graeter, T.; Smirnow, I.; Gregor, M.; Lauer, U.M.; Kong, H.L. ; Schuppan, D.; Bauer, M.; Vonthein, R.
32007Multi-centre phase II trial of Thalidomide in the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinomaChuah, B.; Lim, R.; Boyer, M.; Ong, A.-B.; Wong, S.-W.; Kong, H.-L. ; Millward, M.; Clarke, S.; Goh, B.-C.
4Jan-1999Murine Metastatic Tumour Models for Cancer Gene Therapy ResearchKong, H.L. 
51999Murine Metastatic Tumour Models for Cancer Gene Therapy ResearchKong, H.L. 
6Dec-2003Oxaliplatin/Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma: An Asian ExperienceLim, E.H. ; Lim, R.S.C.; Wu, T.S.; Kong, H.L. 
72003Oxaliplatin/Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma: An Asian ExperienceLim, E.H. ; Lim, R.S.C.; Kong, H.L. ; Wu, T.S.
82000Phase II trial of docetaxel in Asian patients with inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancerGoh, B.C. ; Lehnert, M. ; Lim, H.L.; Kong, H.L. ; Lee, S.C.; Wong, J.E.L.; Ng, A.W.K.; Chan, C.C.; Wee, J.; Chua, E.T.
91-Nov-2002Prophylactic lamivudine prevents hepatitis B reactivation in chemotherapy patientsLim, L.L.; Wai, C.T.; Lee, Y.M. ; Kong, H.L. ; Lim, R.; Koay, E. ; Lim, S.G. 
102001Simulation of the delivery of doxorubicin to hepatomaGoh, Y.-M.F.; Wang, C.-H. ; Kong, H.L. 
11Dec-1996Wilson's disease presenting as haemolytic anaemia and its successful treatment with penicillamine and zincKong, H.L. ; Yap, I.L.E. ; Kueh, Y.K.