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(not current staff)
Li, A.


Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.038 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Sep-2011Asymmetric trans-dihydroxylation of cyclic olefins by enzymatic or chemo-enzymatic sequential epoxidation and hydrolysis in one-potXu, Y. ; Li, A. ; Jia, X.; Li, Z. 
2Nov-2012Efficient production of biodiesel from waste grease: One-pot esterification and transesterification with tandem lipasesYan, J.; Li, A. ; Xu, Y. ; Ngo, T.P.N.; Phua, S.; Li, Z. 
3Oct-2013Efficient transformation of grease to biodiesel using highly active and easily recyclable magnetic nanobiocatalyst aggregatesNgo, T.P.N.; Li, A. ; Tiew, K.W.; Li, Z. 
45-Apr-2013Enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic and meso -epoxides with recombinant escherichia coli expressing epoxide hydrolase from Sphingomonas sp. HXN-200: Preparation of epoxides and vicinal diols in high ee and high concentrationWu, S.; Li, A. ; Chin, Y.S.; Li, Z. 
57-Feb-2014Enantioselective trans-dihydroxylation of aryl olefins by cascade biocatalysis with recombinant escherichia coli coexpressing monooxygenase and epoxide hydrolaseWu, S.; Chen, Y. ; Xu, Y. ; Li, A. ; Xu, Q.; Glieder, A.; Li, Z. 
621-Dec-2013Engineered P450pyr monooxygenase for asymmetric epoxidation of alkenes with unique and high enantioselectivityLi, A. ; Liu, J.; Pham, S.Q.; Li, Z. 
714-Feb-2014Integrating interfacial self-assembly and electrostatic complexation at an aqueous interface for capsule synthesis and enzyme immobilizationHuang, R.; Wu, S.; Li, A. ; Li, Z. 
8Jun-2012Whole-cell based solvent-free system for one-pot production of biodiesel from waste greaseLi, A. ; Ngo, T.P.N.; Yan, J.; Tian, K.; Li, Z. 
9Jun-2012Whole-cell based solvent-free system for one-pot production of biodiesel from waste greaseLi, A. ; Ngo, T.P.N.; Yan, J.; Tian, K.; Li, Z.