Full Name
Mun Wai Eddie Tong
Tong, E.M.
Tong, Mun Wai Eddie
Tong, E.M.W.
Eddie Tong
Main Affiliation


Results 1-20 of 38 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12016A puzzle unsolved: Failure to observe different effects of God and religion primes on intergroup attitudesRamsay J.E.; Tong E.M.W. ; Pang J.S.; Chowdhury A.
219-Mar-2014Ain't sure who to blame: Metacognitive influences on appraisal-emotion processesTong, E.M.W. ; Teo, A.Q.H.; Chia, D.Y.S.
32009Appraisal underpinnings of affective chronometry: The role of appraisals in emotion habituationTong, E.M.W. ; Bishop, G.D. ; Enkelmann, H.C.; Why, Y.P. ; Diong, S.M.; Khader, M.; Ang, J.
4Jun-2013Can implicit appraisal concepts produce emotion-specific effects? A focus on unfairness and angerTong, E.M.W. ; Tan, D.H.; Tan, Y.L.
52009Cognitive deconstruction as a function of self-esteem following mortality salienceKhoo, Bernice L. Z.; See, Ya Hui Michelle ; Tong, Mun Wai Eddie 
62008Conformity: Moods matterTong, E.M.W. ; Tan, C.R.M.; Latheef, N.A.; Selamat, M.F.B.; Tan, D.K.B.
72015Differentiation of 13 positive emotions by appraisalsTong, Mun Wai Eddie 
82009Emotion and appraisal profiles of the needs for competence and relatednessTong, E.M.W. ; Bishop, G.D. ; Enkelmann, H.C.; Diong, S.M.; Why, Y.P. ; Khader, M.; Ang, J.
92007Emotion and appraisal: A study using ecological momentary assessmentTong, E.M.W. ; Bishop, G.D. ; Enkelmann, H.C.; Why, Y.P. ; Diong, S.M.; Khader, M.; Ang, J.
1026-Jan-2021Gratitude and Adaptive Coping Among Chinese Singaporeans During the Beginning of the COVID-19 PandemicTong, Eddie M. W. ; Oh, Vincent Y. S.
1126-Mar-2017Gratitude and drug misuse: Role of coping as mediatorChi-Ching Leung; Eddie Tong 
12Aug-2008Group entity belief: An individual difference construct based on implicit theories of social identitiesTong, E.M.W. ; Chang, W.C.
137-Nov-2019Humility Predicts Resistance to Substance Use: A Self-Control PerspectiveZhaoliang Yu; Eddie Tong ; Chi-Ching Leung; Elizabeth Chin; Peiwei Lee
1422-Apr-2019Interpersonal synchrony affects performers? sense of agencyPaul Reddish ; Eddie Tong ; Jonathan Jong; Harvey Whitehouse
151-May-2021Meal-time smartphone use in an obesogenic environment: Two longitudinal observational studiesJoceline Y Y Yong; Eddie M W Tong ; Jean Liu 
1627-Apr-2023Mixed Emotional Variants of Gratitude: Antecedent Situations, Cognitive Appraisals, Action Tendencies, and Psychosocial OutcomesVincent Oh; Eddie Tong 
172011Moral hypocrisy: Of proud and grateful peopleTong, E.M.W. ; Yang, Z.
18Nov-2012Nudging you behind your back: The influence of implicit friendship concepts on risk takingChan, K.Q.; Tong, E.M.W. ; Moh, T.A.L.
196-May-2022Older adults have difficulty decoding emotions from the eyes, whereas easterners have difficulty decoding emotion from the mouthLow, Anna CY; Oh, Vincent YS; Tong, Eddie MW ; Scarf, Damian; Ruffman, Ted
202010Personality Influences in Appraisal-Emotion Relationships: The Role of NeuroticismTong, E.M.W.