Full Name
Lu Yi Hui
Lu, YiHui
Lu, Yihui
Lu, Y.H.


Results 1-20 of 21 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
119993-D target electromagnetic modelling for SAR applicationsWong, C.Y. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Lu, Y.H. 
2Jan-2000A new signal processing technique for ISAR Ranging: The vernier ranging methodNg, C.S. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Zhang, C.B. 
3May-2001A new subaperture approach to high squint SAR processingYeo, T.S. ; Tan, N.L.; Zhang, C.B. ; Lu, Y.H. 
41998Adaptive algorithm to estimate parameters of FM signalsZhang, C.B. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Wang, B.
51996Adaptive filtering algorithms for SAR speckle reductionLu, Y.H. ; Tan, S.Y.; Yeo, T.S. ; Ng, W.E. ; Lim, I.; Zhang, C.B. 
61993Advance Vernier method for accurate radar rangingLu, Y.H. ; Ng, C.S. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Yeo, T.S. 
71997Autoregressive spectral estimation for SAR map-drift autofocusingLu, YiHui ; Ng, WeiErn ; Yeo, TatSoon ; Zhang, ChengBo 
820-Mar-1999Correction of geometric distortion in spotlight synthetic aperture radar imageryYe, W. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Lu, Y.H. 
9May-1999Development of a SAR digital systemYeo, T.S. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Ren, T.
101996Improved multiple look techniqueYeo, T.S. ; Lay, W.L.; Lu, Y.H. ; Ng, W.E. ; Lim, I.; Zhang, C.B. 
111998Improved step transform algorithm for high squint angle SAR imagingSun, Xiaobing; Yeo, Tat Soon ; Zhang, Chengbo ; Lu, Yihui 
121994Least variance estimation of motion error for synthetic aperture radarLu, Y.H. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Kooi, P.S. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Deng, L.P. ; Tsao, C. 
131998New method for ISAR motion compensationLu, Y.H. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Ng, C.S. ; Li, Y.
1420-Feb-2000New SAW device substrate for synthetic aperture radarLu, Y.H. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Kool, P.S.; Pan, J.C.; Zhang, C.B. 
151997Phase noise filter for interferometric SARLim, I.; Yeo, T.S. ; Ng, C.S. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Zhang, C.B. 
161999SAR data processing at high squintTan, N.L.; Yeo, T.S. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Zhang, C.B. 
171994SAR real time motion compensation: Average cancellation method for aircraft motion error extractionZhang, C.B. ; Yeo, T.S. ; Kooi, P.S. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Deng, L.P. ; Tsao, C. 
181999Simulated DPCA performance for dual-channel SAR processingNg, W.E. ; Zhang, C.B. ; Lu, Y.H. ; Yeo, T.S. 
191997Speckle reduction by wavelet transformLu, Y.H. ; Loh, Y.L.; Yeo, T.S. ; Zhang, C.B. 
201999Speckle reduction by wavelet transformLu, Y.H. ; Loh, Y.L.; Yeo, T.S ; Zhang, C.B.