Full Name
Anandakumar, C.
Anadakumar, C.
Anandkumar, C.
Anandakumar, C..
Chinnaiya, A.
AnandaKumar, C..
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Results 1-20 of 62 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11992A case report: vesico-rectal fistula with ano-urethral atresia.Anandakumar, C. ; Wong, Y.C. ; Biswas, A. ; Venkat, A.; Chia, D.; Arulkumaran, S. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
21991A comparison between fibreoptic and catheter-tip bridge strain gauge transducers for measurement of intrauterine pressure in labour.Tham, K.F. ; Arulkumaran, S. ; Chua, S.; Anandakumar, C. ; Singh, P.; Ratnam, S.S. 
32001A phenotypically normal female with pseudodicentric X: Correlation for statural genesGole, L.A. ; Annapoorna, V.; Lim, J.; Anandakumar, C. 
41992Accuracy in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy by transvaginal ultrasonography.Anandakumar, C. ; Lee, C.S.; Wong, Y.C. ; Chia, D.; Rodenburg, A.; Ratnam, S.S. 
51997Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in pregnancy induced hypertensionBiswas, A. ; Choolani, M.A. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Arulkumaran, S. 
61992Amniocentesis and its complicationsAnandakumar, C. ; Wong, Y.C. ; Annapoorna, V.; Arulkumaran, S. ; Chia, D.; Bongso, A. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
71995Amniotic fluid plasminogen activators and inhibitors and TAT-complex levels during 2nd trimester pregnancy and labourKoh, S.C.L. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Arulkumaran, S. ; Chua, S.E.; Yuen, W.K.; Ng, B.L. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
81997Amniotic fluid volume in spurious labourBiswas, A. ; Chew, S.C.L.; Anandakumar, C. ; Chua, S.P.K. ; Arulkumaran, S. 
91997Analysis of cystic hygroma, ascitic, and pleural fluids by conventional lymphocyte culture and fluorescent in situ hybridizationGole, L.A. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Bongso, A. ; Chua, T.M.; Wong, Y.C. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
101999Coagulation and fibrinolysis in viable mid-trimester pregnancies of normal, intrauterine growth retardation, chromosomal anomalies and hydrops fetalis and their eventual obstetric outcomeKoh, S.C.L. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Biswas, A. 
111995Combined chemotherapy in the medical management of tubal pregnancyAnandakumar, C. ; Choolani, M.A.; Adaikan, P.G. ; Wong, Y.C. ; Gopal, M.; Marshall, B.; Ratnam, S.S. 
121989Comparative study of a two dose schedule of PGE23 MG pessary and 1700 UG film for induction of labour in nulliparae with poor cervical scoreArulkumaran, S.; Adaikan, P.G. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Viegas, O.A.C.; Singh, P.; Ratnam, S.S. 
131996Direct fetal therapy for hydrops secondary to congenital atrioventricular heart blockAnandakumar, C. ; Biswas, A. ; Chew, S.S.L. ; Chia, D.; Wong, Y.C. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
141999Direct intrauterine fetal therapy in a case of bronchopulmonary sequestration associated with non-immune hydrops fetalisAnandakumar, C. ; Biswas, A. ; Chua, T.M.; Choolani, M. ; Chia, D.; Wang, Y.C. ; Gole, L. 
152000Discrepancy between cytogenetic and FISH results on an amniotic fluid sample of 45,X/46,X, idic(Y)(p11)Gole, L.A. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Yang, R.; Chan, J.; Wong, Y.C. ; Bongso, A. 
161991Does prostaglandin confer significant advantage over oxytocin infusion for nulliparas with pre-labor rupture of membranes at term?Chua, S.; Arulkumaran, S. ; Kurup, A.; Anandakumar, C. ; Ratnam, S.S. ; Tay, D.
171996Early asymmetric IUGR and aneuploidyAnandakumar, C. ; Chew, S. ; Wong, Y.C. ; Malarvishy, G.; Po, L.U.; Ratnam, S.S. 
181997Early fetal blood sampling - Another available option for early prenatal diagnosisAnandakumar, C. ; Annapoorna, V.; Wong, Y.C. ; Chia, D.; Ariff, B. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
191988Eighty consecutive cases of gamete intra-Fallopian transferWong, P.C.; Ng, S.C.; Hamilton, M.P.R.; Anandakumar, C. ; Wong, Y.C.; Ratnam, S.S. 
202002Enhanced PAI-1 levels from early second trimester and during labour and plasminogen activators in normal pregnancyKoh, S.C.L.; Anandakumar, C. ; Biswas, A. ; Fong, Y.F.