Full Name
Yoke Fai Fong
Fong, Y.F.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
120003-hour pre-treatment with oral or vaginal misoprostol facilitated vacuum aspiration for pregnancy terminationSingh, K. ; Fong, Y.F. 
22003A viable alternative to surgical vacuum aspiration: Repeated doses of intravaginal misoprostol over 9 hours for medical termination of pregnancies up to eight weeksSingh, K. ; Fong, Y.F. ; Dong, F.
32008Cutaneous endometriosisAgarwal, A.; Fong, Y.F. 
42002Enhanced PAI-1 levels from early second trimester and during labour and plasminogen activators in normal pregnancyKoh, S.C.L.; Anandakumar, C. ; Biswas, A. ; Fong, Y.F. 
5Jan-2013Get "real" with hysteroscopy using the pig bladder: A "uterine" model for hysteroscopy trainingNg, Y.W.; Fong, Y.F. 
6Jul-2005Hemostatic status and fibrinolytic response potential at different phases of the menstrual cycleKoh, S.C.L. ; Prasad, R.N.V. ; Fong, Y.F. 
72011Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) for a large ovarian tumour: First clinical case reportChua, Y.D.; Ng, Y.W.; Fong, Y.F. 
82002Profile of women presenting for abortions in Singapore at the National University HospitalSingh, K. ; Fong, Y.F. ; Loh, S.Y.
92002Profile of women presenting for abortions in Singapore at the National University HospitalSingh, K. ; Fong, Y.F. ; Loh, S.Y.
101998The role of prophylactic iron supplementation in pregnancySingh, K. ; Fong, Y.F. ; Arulkumaran, S. 
112001Vaginal misoprostol prior to operative hysteroscopy facilitated the procedure and reduced complicationsFong, Y.F. ; Singh, K.