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Sujit Kumar Barik
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Barik, S.K.
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Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Dec-2011Ac magnetotransport in La0.7Sr0.3Mn 0.95Fe0.05O3 at low dc magnetic fieldsBarik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
21-Apr-2011Anomalous alternating current magnetoresistance in La0.5Ca 0.5Mn1-xNixO3 (x=0.04)Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
31-May-2010Effect of Bi doping on magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La 0.7-x Bix Sr0.3 MnO3 (0x0.4)Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
4Mar-2011Effect of Bi doping on magnetoresistance in La 0.7-x Bi xSr 0.3MnO 3Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
5Apr-2011Effect of Fe substitution on magnetocaloric effect in La 0.7Sr0.3Mn1-xFexO3 (0.05≤x≤0.20)Barik, S.K. ; Krishnamoorthi, C. ; Mahendiran, R. 
614-Jan-2013Effect of hydrostatic pressure on magnetic entropy change and critical behavior of the perovskite manganite La0.4Bi0.3Sr 0.3MnO3Thiyagarajan, R.; Esakki Muthu, S.; Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. ; Arumugam, S.
7Jan-2011Effect of Ru-substitution on electrical and magnetocaloric properties of Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3Krishnamoorthi, C. ; Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
82010Giant ac electrical response of La0.7Sr0.3MnO 3 in sub-kilogauss magnetic fieldsRebello, A.; Naik, V.B.; Barik, S.K. ; Lam, M.C.; Mahendiran, R. 
921-Jan-2008Giant magnetoimpedance and high frequency electrical detection of magnetic transition in La0.75Sr0.25MnO3Barik, S.K. ; Rebello, A.; Tan, C.L. ; Mahendiran, R. 
101-Apr-2012Impact of Fe doping on radiofrequency magnetotransport in La 0.7Sr 0.3Mn 1-xFe xO 3Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
11Oct-2012Investigation of magnetocaloric effect in La 0.45Pr 0.25Ca 0.3MnO 3 by magnetic, differential scanning calorimetry and thermal analysisAparnadevi, M.; Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. 
1214-Mar-2011Magnetic and calorimetric investigations of inverse magnetocaloric effect in Pr0.46 Sr0.54 MnO3Naik, V.B.; Barik, S.K. ; Mahendiran, R. ; Raveau, B.
131-Apr-2012Magnetic and calorimetric studies of magnetocaloric effect in La 0.7-xPr xCa 0.3MnO 3Barik, S.K. ; Aparnadevi, M.; Rebello, A.; Naik, V.B.; Mahendiran, R. 
14Sep-2010Normal and inverse magnetocaloric effects in La0:5Ca 0:5Mn1-xNixO3Krishnamoorthi, C. ; Barik, S.K. ; Siu, Z.; Mahendiran, R.