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Peng Zhao Feng
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Peng, Z.F.
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Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12008Antioxidants: Promising neuroprotection against cardiotoxin-4b-induced cell death which triggers oxidative stress with early calpain activationToh, T.B.; Chen, M.J.; Armugam, A. ; Li, Q.-T. ; Jeyaseelan, K. ; Cheung, N.S. ; Peng, Z.F. 
22004Characterization of antioxidant and antiglycation properties and isolation of active ingredients from traditional chinese medicinesTang, S.Y.; Whiteman, M. ; Peng, Z.F. ; Jenner, A. ; Yong, E.L. ; Halliwell, B. 
32007Deciphering the mechanism of HNE-induced apoptosis in cultured murine cortical neurons: Transcriptional responses and cellular pathwaysPeng, Z.F. ; Koh, C.H.V. ; Li, Q.T. ; Manikandan, J. ; Melendez, A.J. ; Tang, S.Y. ; Halliwell, B. ; Cheung, N.S. 
42007Hydrogen sulfide induced neuronal death occurs via glutamate receptor and is associated with calpain activation and lysosomal rupture in mouse primary cortical neuronsCheung, N.S. ; Chen, M.J.; Whiteman, M. ; Peng, Z.F. ; Moore, P.K. 
52004Mechanism of cell death induced by an antioxidant extract of Cratoxylum cochinchinense (YCT) in Jurkat T cells: The role of reactive oxygen species and calciumTang, S.Y.; Whiteman, M. ; Jenner, A. ; Peng, Z.F. ; Halliwell, B. 
62007Neuronal apoptosis mediated by inhibition of intracellular cholesterol transport: Microarray and proteomics analyses in cultured murine cortical neuronsKoh, C.H.V. ; Peng, Z.F. ; Ou, K.; Melendez, A. ; Manikandan, J. ; Qi, R.Z.; Cheung, N.S. 
72005Proteasome inhibition by lactacystin in primary neuronal cells induces both potentially neuroprotective and pro-apoptotic transcriptional responses: A microarray analysisYew, E.H.J.; Cheung, N.S. ; Choy, M.S. ; Qi, R.Z. ; Lee, A.Y.-W.; Peng, Z.F. ; Melendez, A.J. ; Manikandan, J. ; Koay, E.S.-C. ; Chiu, L.-L.; Ng, W.L. ; Whiteman, M. ; Kandiah, J. ; Halliwell, B. 
82008Proteasome inhibition: An early or late event in nitric oxide-induced neuronal death?Peng, Z.F. ; Chen, M.J.; Yap, Y.W. ; Manikandan, J. ; Melendez, A.J. ; Choy, M.S. ; Moore, P.K. ; Cheung, N.S.