Full Name
Ratnam, S S
(not current staff)
Ratnam, S.S.
Rarnam, S.S.
Ratman, S.S.
Shan Ratnam, S.
Ratnam S.S.
RatnamS., S.
Ratnam, S.
Shanmmuga, Ratnam S.
Ratnum, S.S.
Shan, Ratnam S.
Main Affiliation


Results 481-500 of 529 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4811994The International Association of Supporters of FIGO (SOFIGO)Ratnam, S.S. 
482Jun-1988The LH surge in humans: its mechanism and sex difference.Goh, H.H. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
483Jan-1987The PGE2 vaginal film: An alternative to conventional induction in multiparae with poor cervical scoresViegas, O.A.C. ; Singh, K. ; Adaikan, P.G. ; Karim, S.M.M.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4841980The role of surgery in the treatment of trophoblastic diseaseIlancheran, A.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4851996The role of transvaginal ultrasonography and colour Doppler imaging in the detection of ectopic pregnancyChew, S. ; Anandakumar, C. ; Vanaja, K.; Wong, Y.C. ; Chia, D.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4861975The routine use of oral prostaglandin E2 in induction of labourTsakok, F.H.M.; Gediminas Grudzinskas, J.; Karim, S.M.M.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4871976The safety of outpatient abortion, a controlled studyCheng, M.C.E.; Ng, A.; Seng, K.M.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4881993The search for improved in-vitro systems should not be ignored: Embryo co-culture may be one of themBongso, A. ; Fong, C.-Y. ; Ng, S.-C. ; Ratnam, S. 
4891999The sensitivity of the trivariate analysis using maternal serum alpha-feto protein, human chorionic gonadotrophin and maternal age in screening for fetal aneuploidy in mothers above the age of 35Anandakumar, C. ; Chew, S. ; Wong, Y.C. ; Goh, V.H.H. ; Tain, C.F.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4901985The significance of doubtful smears and their management using colposcopySingh, P.; Ilancheran, A.; Pang, M.; Ratnam, S.S. 
4911982The small fetus: Growth-retarded and preterm Obstetric problems in the developing worldTambyraja, R.L.; Ratnam, S.S. 
492Feb-1996The sperm centriole: Its inheritance, replication and perpetuation in early human embryosSathananthan, A.H.; Ratnam, S.S. ; Ng, S.C. ; Tarín, J.J.; Gianaroli, L.; Trounson, A. 
131976The treatment of choriocarcinomaRatnam, S.S. ; Chew, S.C.; Lim, Y.C.
141975The treatment of the ovarian cancer with cyclophosphamideChew, C.T.; Ratnam, S.S. 
151988The use of amniotic fluid and serum with propanediol in freezing of murine 2-cell embryosNg, S.C. ; Sathananthan, H.; Bongso, A. ; Lee, M.-N.; Mok, H.; Wong, P.-C.; Ratnam, S.S. 
161981The use of intravenous low-dose insulin infusion in the intrapartum management of diabetes mellitusLim, L.S.; Kowa, N.S.; Ng, C.; Yeo, P.B. ; Gwee, H.M.; Cheah, J.S. ; Lim, P. ; Woon, K.Y.; Tan, K.L. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
171979The use of video in a teaching unitLim, S.M. ; Ratnam, S.S. 
181979Thromboplastic and fibrinolytic activity of hydatidiform molar tissue and vesicular fluidTsakok, F.H.M.; Ratnam, S.S. ; Chew, S.C.; Chua, S.E.
19Sep-1984Thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin levels in molar pregnancyRoy, A.C.C. ; Karim, S.M.M.; Kottegoda, S.R.; Ratnam, S.S. 
201985Total uterine activity in induced labour - An index of cervical and pelvic tissue resistanceAralkumaran, S.; Gibb, D.M.F.; Ratnam, S.S.