Full Name
Jeyaratnam, J.


Results 1-20 of 56 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11988A discriminant analysis of neuropsychological effect of low lead exposureBoey, K.W.; Jeyaratnam, J. 
22000A South-East Asian perspectiveKoh, D.; Chia, S.E. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
31993A study of needle stick injuries among medical undergraduates.Chia, H.P. ; Koh, D. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
41994A study of needle-stick injuries among house officers in a major hospital.Chia, H.P. ; Koh, D. ; Chong, R.; Jeyaratnam, J. 
51990Airway responsiveness of firefighters after smoke exposureChia, K.S. ; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Chan, T.B. ; Lim, T.K.
61995An occupational mark of screwdriver operatorsKoh, D. ; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Aw, T.C. 
71990Baker's asthma: a case report.Chia, K.S. ; Chia, S.E. ; Tan, W.C. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
81991Biological monitoring for occupational exposure to tolueneFoo, S.C. ; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Ong, C.N. ; Khoo, N.Y.; Koh, D. ; Chia, S.E. 
91998Biomarkers, screening and ethicsKoh, D. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
101986Blood cholinesterase levels among agricultural workers in four Asian countriesJeyaratnam, J. ; Lun, K.C.; Phoon, W.O.
111995Case studies in occupational medicine for medical undergraduate trainingKoh, D. ; Chia, K.S. ; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Chia, S.E. ; Singh, J.
121994Chronic neurobehavioural effects in paint formulators exposed to solvents and noise.Foo, S.C. ; Lwin, S.; Chia, S.E. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
131992Chronic neurobehavioural effects of elemental mercury in dentistsNgim, C.H.; Foo, S.C. ; Boey, K.W.; Jeyaratnam, J. 
141990Chronic neurobehavioural effects of tolueneFoo, S.C. ; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Koh, D. 
151999Collaboration between developing and developed countries and between developing countries in occupational health research and surveillancePartanen, T.J.; Hogstedt, C.; Ahasan, R.; Aragón, A.; Arroyave, M.E.; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Kurppa, K.; Loewenson, R.; Lundberg, I.; Ngowi, A.V.F.; Mbakaya, C.F.L.; Stayner, L.; Steenland, K.; Weiderpass, E.; Wesseling, C.
161996Cumulative blood lead levels and nerve conduction parametersChia, S.E. ; Chia, H.P. ; Ong, C.N. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
171997Cumulative blood lead levels and neurobehavioral test performanceChia, S.-E. ; Chia, H.-P. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
181996Cumulative concentrations of blood lead and postural stabilityChia, S.E. ; Chia, H.P. ; Ong, C.N. ; Jeyaratnam, J. 
191990Dermatological symptoms among visual display unit operators using plasma display and cathode ray tube screens.Koh, D. ; Goh, C.L.; Jeyaratnam, J. ; Kee, W.C. ; Ong, C.N. 
201997Effects of occupational exposure to toluene: A neuropsychological study on workers in SingaporeBoey, K.W.; Foo, S.C. ; Jeyaratnam, J.