Full Name
Potter,John Robert
(not current staff)
Potter, J.R.
Potter, J.


Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Dec-2003A review of the effects of seismic surveys on marine mammalsGordon, J.; Gillespie, D.; Potter, J. ; Frantzis, A.; Simmonds, M.P.; Swift, R.; Thompson, D.
21999Ambient noise imaging in warm shallow seas; second-order moment and model-based imaging algorithmsPotter, J.R. ; Chitre, M. 
3Oct-2013Chemical characterization of aerosols in the equatorial atmosphere over the Indian OceanBalasubramanian, R. ; Karthikeyan, S. ; Potter, J. ; Wurl, O. ; Durville, C.
41999Imaging in the ocean with ambient noise: The ORB experimentsEpifanio, C.L.; Potter, J.R. ; Deane, G.B.; Readhead, M.L.; Buckingham, M.J.
5Apr-2006Optimal and near-optimal signal detection in snapping shrimp dominated ambient noiseChitre, M.A. ; Potter, J.R. ; Ong, S.-H. 
6Feb-2003PANDA: Pop-up ambient noise data acquisition system: A rapidly deployable, self-recovering shallow water acquisition platformBeng, K.T. ; Potter, J.R. ; Venugopalan, P. ; Teck, T.E. 
71-Mar-2006Persistent organic pollutants in the equatorial atmosphere over the open Indian OceanWurl, O. ; Potter, J.R. ; Obbard, J.P. ; Durville, C.
8Sep-2006Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) over the open Indian OceanWurl, O. ; Potter, J.R. ; Durville, C.; Obbard, J.P. 
91999Pop-up ambient noise data acquisition (PANDA) systemLim, T.W.; Potter, J.R. 
10Apr-2000Random focusing of sound into spatially coherent regionsPotter, J.R. ; Uscinski, B.J.; Akal, T.
11Apr-2007Visual and passive acoustic marine mammal observations and high-frequency seismic source characteristics recorded during a seismic surveyPotter, J.R. ; Thillet, M.; Douglas, C.; Chitre, M.A. ; Doborzynski, Z.; Seekings, P.J. 
122007Viterbi decoding of convolutional codes in symmetric α-stable noiseChitre, M.A. ; Potter, J.R. ; Ong, S.H.