Full Name
Stephane Bressan
Bressan, S.
Bressan, Stephane

Results 21-40 of 101 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212009Continuous and progressive XML query processing and its applicationsBressan, S. ; Hyong, T.W.; Zhao, X.
222003Continuous Naive Bayesian classificationsVega, V.B.; Bressan, S. 
232002Current approaches to XML managementNambiar, U.; Lacroix, Z.; Bressan, S. ; Lee, M.L. ; Li, Y. 
242007Danaïdes: continuous and progressive complex queries on RSS feedsTok, W.H. ; Bressan, S. ; Lee, M.-L. 
25May-2013Database research at the National University of SingaporeBressan, S. ; Chan, C.Y. ; Hsu, W. ; Lee, M.-L. ; Ling, T.-W.; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. ; Tung, A.K.H. 
262006DBNet: A service-oriented database architectureTok, W.H. ; Bressan, S. 
272013Discovering semantics from data-centric XMLLi, L.; Le, T.N.; Wu, H.; Ling, T.W. ; Bressan, S. 
282012Discretionary social network data revelation with a user-centric utility guaranteeSong, Y.; Karras, P. ; Nobari, S.; Cheliotis, G.; Xue, M.; Bressan, S. 
92002Efficient and adaptive processing of multiple continuous queriesTok, W.H. ; Bressan, S. 
102003Efficient distributed reputation scheme for Peer-to-Peer systemsLiau, C.Y. ; Zhou, X.; Bressan, S. ; Tan, K.-L. 
112005Efficient range queries and fast lookup services for scalable P2P networksLiau, C.Y. ; Ng, W.S.; Shu, Y. ; Tan, K.-L. ; Bressan, S. 
122002Efficient XML data management: An analysisNambiar, U.; Lacroix, Z.; Bressan, S. ; Lee, M.L. ; Li, Y.G. 
132005Environmental noise classification for multimedia librariesBressan, S. ; Tan, B.T.
142006Exploiting local popularity to prune routing indices in peer-to-peer systemsBressan, S. ; Hidayanto, A.N.; Hasibuan, Z.A.
152013Fast community detectionSong, Y.; Bressan, S. 
162012Fast identity anonymization on graphsLu, X.; Song, Y.; Bressan, S. 
172011Fast random graph generationNobari, S.; Lu, X.; Karras, P. ; Bressan, S. 
182005Financial information mediation: A case study of standards integration for electronic bill presentment and payment using the COIN mediation technologyJayasena, S.; Bressan, S. ; Madnick, S.
192013Force-directed layout community detectionSong, Y.; Bressan, S. 
202011Generating random graphic sequencesLu, X.; Bressan, S.