Full Name
Chiang Choon Poo
Danny, C.C.P.
Poo, C.-C.
Poo, D.C.
Poo, Chiang-Choon Danny
Poo, C.-C.D.
Poo Chiang Choon, Danny
Poo, Danny C.C.
Danny, C.C.Poo
Poo, D.C.C.


Results 1-20 of 24 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12011A context-based investigation into source use by information seekersAgarwal, N.K.; Xu, Y.; Poo, D.C.C. 
2Sep-1991Adapting and using JSD modelling technique as front-end to object-oriented systems developmentPoo, C.-C. 
3May-1992An evolutionary structural model for software maintenancePoo, D.C.C. ; Layzell, P.J.
4Mar-1994An expert system approach to online catalog subject searchingKhoo, C.S.G.; Poo, D.C.C. 
5May-1998An object-oriented implementation of an entity relationship modelChan, H.C. ; Poo, D.C.C. ; Woon, C.P.
616-Jun-2016Analysis and design of mobile health interventions towards informed shared decision making: an activity theory-driven perspectiveHoang D. Nguyen; Danny Chiang Choon Poo 
72008Capturing tacit knowledge across different domains: Knowledge Community (K-Comm)Agarwal, N.K. ; Poo, D.C.C. 
8Dec-1998CASE and software maintenance practices in SingaporePoo, D.C.C. ; Chung, M.K.
92015Clinical information systems end user satisfaction: The expectations and needs congruencies effectsKarimi Faezeh ; Poo Chiang Choon, Danny ; Tan Yung Ming
102004Corpus-based query expansion in online public access catalogsKomarjaya, J.; Poo, D.C.C. ; Kan, M.-Y. 
112000Design and implementation of the E-referencerPoo, D.C.C. ; Toh, T.-K.; Khoo, C.S.G.
12Nov-1995Domain object identification through events and functionsPoo, D.C. ; Lee, S.-Y. 
132000Enhancing online catalog searches with an electronic referencerPoo, D.C.C. ; Toh, T.-K.; Khoo, C.S.G.
14Apr-1990Enhancing software maintenance through explicit system representationPoo, C.-C. ; Layzell, P.J.
151999Events in use cases as a basis for identifying and specifying classes and business rulesPoo, Danny C.C. 
16Aug-1993Implementing an evolutionary structural software modelDanny, C.C.Poo 
172006Meeting knowledge management challenges through effective searchAgarwal, N.K. ; Poo, D.C.C. 
18May-1991Multi-domain expert systemsPoo, Chiang-Choon Danny ; Lu, Hongjun 
191994Object-oriented systems modelling method based on Jackson approachPoo, Danny C.C. ; Lee, Shwu-Yi 
20Apr-1991Representing business policies in the Jackson system development methodPoo, C.-C.D.