Full Name
Chiang Choon Poo
Danny, C.C.P.
Poo, C.-C.
Poo, D.C.
Poo, Chiang-Choon Danny
Poo, C.-C.D.
Poo Chiang Choon, Danny
Poo, Danny C.C.
Danny, C.C.Poo
Poo, D.C.C.


Results 21-40 of 46 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212000Enhancing online catalog searches with an electronic referencerPoo, D.C.C. ; Toh, T.-K.; Khoo, C.S.G.
22Apr-1990Enhancing software maintenance through explicit system representationPoo, C.-C. ; Layzell, P.J.
231990Enhancing the software maintenance factor in JSD using rulesPoo, Chiang-Choon Danny ; Layzell, Paul J.
242008Error reduction in healthcare deliveryPoo, D.C.C. ; Sethi, S.K.; Ratty, A.K.
251999Events in use cases as a basis for identifying and specifying classes and business rulesPoo, Danny C.C. 
262007Factors affecting 3G adoption: An empirical studyAgarwal, N.K. ; Wang, Z. ; Xu, Y. ; Poo, D.C.C. 
272007HCI and information search: Capturing task and searcher characteristics through 'user ability to specify information need'Agarwal, N.K. ; Poo, D.C.C. 
282007Impediments to sharing knowledge outside the school: Lessons learnt from the development of a taxonomic e-learning portalAgarwal, N.K. ; Poo, D.C.C. ; Tan, K.H.
29Aug-1993Implementing an evolutionary structural software modelDanny, C.C.Poo 
302010IT investment decision making: A decision analysis cycle modelKarimi, F.; Poo, D.C.C. 
312009Knowledge community (K-Comm): Towards a digital ecosystem with collective intelligenceLek, H.H.; Poo, D.C.C. ; Agarwal, N.K. 
322011Knowledge community: Moving beyond conventional learning management systemsLek, H.H.; Poo, D.C.C. 
332006Making sense of an electronic document - Visualization strategies for concept presentationAgarwal, N.K. ; Poo, D.C.C. 
342006Meeting knowledge management challenges through effective searchAgarwal, N.K. ; Poo, D.C.C. 
35May-1991Multi-domain expert systemsPoo, Chiang-Choon Danny ; Lu, Hongjun 
361994Object-oriented systems modelling method based on Jackson approachPoo, Danny C.C. ; Lee, Shwu-Yi 
372009Personal and external determinants of medical bloggers' knowledge sharing behaviorKarimi, F.; Danny, C.C.P. 
38Apr-1991Representing business policies in the Jackson system development methodPoo, C.-C.D. 
391999Search interface for Z39.50 complaint online catalogs over the InternetPoo, Danny C.C. ; Toh, Teck Kang; Khoo, Christopher S.G.
402012Sentix: An aspect and domain sensitive sentiment lexiconLek, H.H.; Poo, D.C.C.