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Title: Architecture of a generic instructional planner
Authors: Tan, S.-T. 
Issue Date: Jul-1996
Citation: Tan, S.-T. (1996-07). Architecture of a generic instructional planner. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 19 (3) : 265-274. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This paper describes the architecture of an instructional planner in an intelligence tutoring system. A three-layer blackboard model is presented. In this model, each knowledge source can be designed independently. New knowledge can be added to the system without affecting the design of other knowledge sources. Therefore, the architecture provides the possibility of capturing more intelligence in future. Included in this architecture are three knowledge sources namely, the domain knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and the knowledge of individual student. The architecture also reflects multiple flexible tutoring strategies in providing instruction for individual student. © 1996 Academic Press Limited.
Source Title: Journal of Network and Computer Applications
ISSN: 10848045
DOI: 10.1006/jnca.1996.0018
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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