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Title: Scattering of excitons by free carriers in semiconducting quantum well structures: Dependence of scattering cross sections on well width
Authors: Choo, J.H.
Feng, Y.P. 
Spector, H.N.
Keywords: A. quantum wells
A. semiconductors
D. optical properties
Issue Date: Nov-1994
Citation: Choo, J.H.,Feng, Y.P.,Spector, H.N. (1994-11). Scattering of excitons by free carriers in semiconducting quantum well structures: Dependence of scattering cross sections on well width. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 55 (11) : 1245-1253. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: We have theoretically investigated the scattering of excitons by free electrons and holes in a semiconducting quantum well of finite width. The elastic and ionization scattering cross sections have been calculated as a function of the width of the well using the Born approximation for scattering of the excitons by the free carriers. The behavior of the scattering cross section as a function of the energy of relative motion of the free carriers and the excitons is similar to that previously obtained from 2D calculations for narrow wells. The cross section increases as the well width increases and the relative wave vector of the free carrier at which the total cross section is a maximum shifts to lower values as the well width increases. © 1994.
Source Title: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
ISSN: 00223697
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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