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Title: Reduced crystallization temperature in a microemulsion-derived zirconia precursor
Authors: Wang, J. 
Ee, L.S.
Ng, S.C. 
Chew, C.H. 
Gan, L.M. 
Keywords: Crystallization
Powder processing
Issue Date: Jan-1997
Citation: Wang, J.,Ee, L.S.,Ng, S.C.,Chew, C.H.,Gan, L.M. (1997-01). Reduced crystallization temperature in a microemulsion-derived zirconia precursor. Materials Letters 30 (1) : 119-124. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: A nanosized zirconia precursor powder has been synthesized via an inverse microemulsion processing route, in which 53 wt% cyclohexane was used as the oil phase and 35 wt% mixed poly (oxyethylene)5 nonyl phenol ether (NP5) and poly (oxyethylene)9 nonyl phenol ether (NP9) were used as the mixed nonionic surfactant (weight ratio 1 : 1). Two microemulsion systems were prepared, containing 12 wt% 0.75 M ZrO(NO3)2 aqueous solution and 2.0 M ammonia solution as the water phase, respectively. Precursor particles of zirconium hydroxide were formed by reacting the two microemulsion systems at room temperature. Zirconia powders were then obtained by calcining the hydroxide precursor at an appropriate temperature. It was observed that the microemulsion-derived zirconia precursor exhibited a two-step crystallization behaviour: (i) a primary crystallization at 362°C; and (ii) a secondary crystallization at 453°C, which is analogous to the "glow exotherm" usually observed in many precipitated zirconia precursors.
Source Title: Materials Letters
ISSN: 0167577X
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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