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Title: Steady-state multiplicity in carbon monoxide oxidation over LaMnO3
Authors: Chuah, G.K. 
Jaenicke, S. 
Lee, J.Y. 
Keywords: carbon monoxide oxidation
lanthanum manganese oxide
steady state (multiple)
Issue Date: 2-May-1991
Citation: Chuah, G.K.,Jaenicke, S.,Lee, J.Y. (1991-05-02). Steady-state multiplicity in carbon monoxide oxidation over LaMnO3. Applied Catalysis 72 (1) : 51-61. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Multiple steady states have been observed during catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation over polycrystalline LaMnO3. The bistability was noted only at a carbon monoxide partial pressure Pco ≥ 46 kPa. The transition to the more reactive state sets in at 220°C. Upon cooling, the activity of the catalyst is sustained at a lower temperature than the ignition point. The width of the hysteresis loop increases with increasing carbon monoxide concentration. An oxidation/reduction mechanism is proposed whereby the high activity state is the surface-reduced form. The apparent activation energy is 16-19 kJ/mol for both steady states of the catalyst, indicating that a similar pathway for carbon monoxide oxidation is followed in the two states. © 1991.
Source Title: Applied Catalysis
ISSN: 01669834
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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