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Title: Design and performance of Fibredrain in soil improvement projects
Authors: Lee, S.L. 
Karunaratne, G.P. 
Aziz, M.A. 
Keywords: Biodegradability
Discharge flow capacity
Ecological harmony
Effective coefficient of consolidation
Field performance
Prefabricated vertical drains
Soft clay
Issue Date: Oct-2003
Citation: Lee, S.L.,Karunaratne, G.P.,Aziz, M.A. (2003-10). Design and performance of Fibredrain in soil improvement projects. Ground Improvement 7 (4) : 149-156. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The effective coefficient of consolidation Ch, and hence the effective discharge capacity, of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) is a function of the hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of the clay as well as of the field performance of the PVD. The field performance is influenced by the deformation of the core and the filter, clogging of the filter, and kinking of the PVD during the consolidation process. The design of soil improvement projects using PVDs is a function of the effective Ch, the final settlement, the drain spacing, and the lateral pressure on the drain. Prefabricated vertical drains should possess sufficient tensile strength to withstand the installation stresses associated with thick clay deposits, as well as the densification of granular soil layers at the surface by heavy tamping. Fibredrain is a PVD that is biodegradable and ecologically harmonious. Several selected projects in East and South East Asia are discussed to illustrate the field performance of Fibredrain.
Source Title: Ground Improvement
ISSN: 1365781X
DOI: 10.1680/grim.
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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