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Title: A new mesfet nonlinear model
Authors: Ooi, B.L. 
Ma, J.Y.
Leong, M.S. 
Keywords: GaAs MESFET
Large-signal model
Nonlinear model
Issue Date: 20-May-2001
Citation: Ooi, B.L., Ma, J.Y., Leong, M.S. (2001-05-20). A new mesfet nonlinear model. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 29 (4) : 226-230. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In this paper, a new empirical model for the dc I-V characteristics of a GaAs MESFET transistor is presented. The conventional approach for modeling the dc I-V characteristics of a MESFET transistor adopts the hyperbolic-tangent dependent on Vds through the observation of the Ids versus Vvs curve. The derived model is capable of accurately modeling the device current-voltage behavior in different operation regions. The new model equations describe the device drain current as a polynomial of the effective gate-source voltage Veff, which is in turn a rational function of Vgs, and the parameters for the polynomial vary with Vds. Model parameter extraction is made for a 05 μm gate-length MESFET device. Measured and modeled results are compared, and good agreement is obtained. A comparison among the proposed model, Curtice's and Chalmer's model, and Parker's model are also made in this paper.
Source Title: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
ISSN: 08952477
DOI: 10.1002/mop.1139
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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