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Title: Formation of an aromatic indenide anion in a bridge-annelated [2.2]metacyclophanene: A novel and stereoselective nucleophilic addition to an acenaphthylene derivative
Authors: Chen, P.
Lai, Y.-H. 
Keywords: Acenaphthyleno-metacyclophanene
Geometric strain
Indenide anion
Nucleophilic addition
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2003
Citation: Chen, P., Lai, Y.-H. (2003-01-01). Formation of an aromatic indenide anion in a bridge-annelated [2.2]metacyclophanene: A novel and stereoselective nucleophilic addition to an acenaphthylene derivative. Tetrahedron Letters 44 (1) : 23-26. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Treatment of the acenaphthyleno-annelated thiacyclophanene 4 with n-butyl lithium followed by quenching with methyl iodide unexpectedly afforded the ring-contracted adduct 6. A similar reaction between cyclophanene 2 and n-butyl lithium gave the adduct 14 indicating indirectly that in the former reaction the nucleophilic addition occurred after the Wittig-rearrangement of 4 to form the cyclophanene 13. The relief of geometric strain in the [2.2]metacyclophanene moiety induced by acenaphthyleno-annelation is believed to be the driving force for the nucleophilic attack. The sulfonium salt 7 prepared by methylation of compound 6 underwent a spontaneous Hofmann-elimination, in the absence of a base, to give the intermediate cyclophanediene 18 which valence isomerized to the near-planar dihydropyrene 9. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Source Title: Tetrahedron Letters
ISSN: 00404039
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(02)02517-0
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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