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Title: An investigation of the effects of inspection errors on the run-length control charts
Authors: Lu, X.S.
Xie, M. 
Goh, T.N. 
Keywords: Average run length
False alarm probability
Inspection error
Sensitivity analysis
Statistical process control
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: Lu, X.S.,Xie, M.,Goh, T.N. (1999). An investigation of the effects of inspection errors on the run-length control charts. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 29 (1) : 315-335. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: For continuous inspection schemes in an automated manufacturing environment, a useful alternative to the traditional p or np chart is the Run-Length control chart, which is based on plotting the run lengths (the number of conforming items) between successive nonconforming items. However, its establishment relies on the error-free inspection assumption, which can seldom be met in practice. In this paper, the effects of inspection errors on the Run-Length chart are investigated based on that these errors are assumed known. The actual false alarm probability and the average number inspected (ANI) in the presence of inspection errors are studied. This paper also presents the adjusted control limits for the Run-Length chart, which can provide much closer ANI curves to the ones obtained under error-free inspection. Copyright © 2000 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Source Title: Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
ISSN: 03610926
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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