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Title: Assessing state and societal functions of the military and the war experience in doi moi Vietnam
Authors: Raffin, A. 
Keywords: Army
Issue Date: Jan-2011
Citation: Raffin, A. (2011-01). Assessing state and societal functions of the military and the war experience in doi moi Vietnam. Armed Forces and Society 37 (1) : 68-94. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Studies on the military in Vietnam today see a concurrence between the changing role of the army-its growing economic role as well as its role as a tool to control the Vietnamese population-and the changing economy and international environment. How do we make sense of this evolution and its impact on civil-military relations in terms of power relations and authority? This study seeks to provide an analytical framework that shows how the military is not a homogeneous entity but rather is made up of various groups that derive uneven benefits from the post-cold war situation. The author's contribution is primarily at the conceptual level, stressing the dynamics of power relations among the military, society, and state from a Weberian perspective. Doi moi, as an era of economic and social change, has redefined power relations. The author also emphasizes the generational and historical elements in civil-military relations that are specific to Vietnam. © 2011 The Author(s).
Source Title: Armed Forces and Society
ISSN: 0095327X
DOI: 10.1177/0095327X09339901
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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