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Title: Design of sharp linear-phase fir bandstop filters using the frequency-response-masking technique
Authors: Yang, R. 
Lim, Y.-C. 
Parker, S.R.
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: Yang, R.,Lim, Y.-C.,Parker, S.R. (1998). Design of sharp linear-phase fir bandstop filters using the frequency-response-masking technique. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 17 (1) : 1-27. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: A novel computationally efficient realization of sharp linear-phase finite impulse response (FIR) bandstop filters is proposed. The synthesis scheme for the bandstop filters is derived from variations of the frequency-response-masking technique. Five realization structures are presented in this paper for the synthesis of five different classes of bandstop filters. Approximate expressions for the optimal value of the impulse response up-sampling ratio (M) and the corresponding number of multipliers are derived.
Source Title: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
ISSN: 0278081X
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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