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Authors: 林美玲
Issue Date: 1995
Citation: 林美玲, LIM BEE LENG (1995). 十九至廿世纪末新加坡华商网络形态的一些变迁 = ASPECTS OF CHANGES IN CHINESE BUSINESS NETWORKS IN SINGAPORE 1800-1990. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This academic exercise attempts to examine the different aspects of changes in Chinese business networks in Singapore 1800-1990. It also highlights the impact of economic modernization on the traditional Chinese pang (帮) community . The origin of Chinese business networks and organizations in Singapore may be traced to their links with the Chinese on the Riau Islands. This led to further evolution of networks of various types such as networks of organizations, trade, finance and firms This study shows that rudimentary organizational networks of Singapore kongsis (公司) and secret societies based on traditional moral ethics were subsequently integrated into the Global Capitalist System after the intervention of the free trade society. By 1860s, technological advancement facilitated the colonial expansion in the region. As an important entrepot for import-export trade in goods and coolies, more complex networks combined trade, credit, market information and transport were formed in Singapore. The English-speaking Babas traders operated as agents between European and Chinese businessmen, they were able to develop extensive and cross-pcmg networks The Sinkeh (新客)merchants, however, had to rely on pang associations as business nodal points. As such, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce became an important organ for the integration of the different pangs' leaders at the higher level The first decade of the twentieth century saw an emergence of the Sinkeh entrepreneurs who involved actively in the shipping, banking and import-export industry. A comparison of the pre- and post W W II business enterprises of Tan Kah Kee and Kwek Hong Png indicates the changes of networks of Chinese family firms in Singapore. It shows that ownership of both family firms still remains in the hands of the patriarch or his successor. However, Tan Kah Kee's enterprise, under pang setting, was more traditional in nature, with characteristics of familism and strong reliance on pang associations. Hong Leong enterprise has since diversified into various lines of business and become a globalized conglomerate. It has networks of a hybid nature, with both traditional and much more modern elements in terms of management and professionalism. The findings of this study imply that entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the process of changing the business environment It also suggests that modernization has indeed affected the pang community and the traditional Chinese business organizations in Singapore.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor's Theses

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