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Title: 炫丽中一响淸凡匿流 : 伍连德的一生及其思想 = WU LIEN-TEH (1879-1960) : THE LIFE AND THOUGHT OF A SOCIAL REFORMER IN MALAYA
Authors: 陈雪薇
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: 陈雪薇, CHIN HSUEN WEI (1999). 炫丽中一响淸凡匿流 : 伍连德的一生及其思想 = WU LIEN-TEH (1879-1960) : THE LIFE AND THOUGHT OF A SOCIAL REFORMER IN MALAYA. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Dr. Wu Lien-Teh (Gnoh Lean-Tuck), who grew up in British Malaya, completed his advanced education in England and gave service to China, was an active Straits-born Chinese during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He was a social and medical reformer throughout his life. In this thesis, I will discuss how the times, his family background, his education and his life affected his character, thought and behavior. I also highlight Wu’s relationships with both the British and Chinese Governments and the local society, the role of Wu in Malayan Chinese community and History of Modern China. I divided Wu’s life into three stages in this thesis. After stating the research purposes and methods in chapter one, I discuss in chapter two how the external reasons caused Wu’s excellence at academy, how the environment, the past ages in Malaya and Europe influenced his life. Chapter three is the main theme of this thesis, I look into the social reform movements that he promoted during his days in British Malaya from 1903 to 1908. Chapter four is a review of Wu's medical reforms and achievements in China. The last stage of Wu’s life in Malaya is also briefed in this chapter. Chapter five is detailed comments and analyses on Wu’s life and thought. The last chapter is a conclusion.
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