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Keywords: Environmental Management
Master (Environmental Management)
Chou Loke Ming
2011/2012 EnvM
Issue Date: 27-Jun-2012
Abstract: Maritime ports face a number of regulatory and sustainability challenges as environmental protection plays a greater focus in political and commercial priorities today. As greater emphasis is placed on the environmental impacts of port development and operations, preventive and mitigating measures have been considered and implemented by policy-makers as well as port and shipping operators. Measures typically focus on areas such as air and water pollution, energy efficiency as well as generation and usage of clean energy within port premises. As more of such environmental measures are implemented and the laws and regulations which mandate them increase, authorities and business entities are required to consider an increasing number of issues such as policy, legal and administrative details, business and regulatory costs, as well as governmental and corporate image. This study reviews the current state of environmental management planning in major ports around the world and compares the planning and subsequent measures undertaken by other ports to those established for the Port of Singapore. Chapter 1 of the study introduces the definition and functions of major seaports in the world. The impacts of port development and operation on the environment are examined, while highlighting the importance of the marine and coastal environment and their ecological communities. In Chapter 2, a literature review is conducted with regards to the environmental impacts and measures taken by governments and world bodies. International conventions and regulations by bodies such as the United Nations and the International Maritime Organization are addressed, covering issues such as waste dumping, oil spills, ship paints, ballast water and air pollution. Information is presented on the importance of environmental impact and strategic assessments, as well as an introduction to some elements of environmental planning frameworks established for ports. Lastly, some of the benefits noted by researchers and organisations on the implementation of environmental frameworks and systems for ports are presented. Chapters 3 and 4 contain the research and analysis on five major ports, selected on the basis of the state of environment in these ports, as well as their environmental regulations and measures. Attention is given to whether or not these ports have detailed environmental management planning and systems besides having individual measures in place. In Chapter 5, details are presented on the state of environmental management in Singapore. Local environmental laws and regulations are listed together with the administrative and enforcement agencies relevant to the functions of the Port of Singapore. Research on the environmental measures and management systems of the primary port operators are further elaborated. It appears that the Port of Singapore has fared well in terms of pollution prevention but can do more in marine conservation efforts. Chapter 6 compares the major ports highlighted in Chapter 4 and the Port of Singapore on the basis of their measures dealing with pollution; ecological protection, climate change and environmental management strategy. It then comments on the environmental measures taken by international ports and whether they are viable and relevant if applied to the Port of Singapore. It also provides recommendations on the institution of an environmental management framework for the Port of Singapore based on the most suitable findings from other major ports. This study represents a consolidation of knowledge from the current trends in the marine environment and port management fields to improve the planning and implementation of environmental management within a port and on a much wider level (national, regional). It also outlines some further research that can be done to generate more details and solutions for port and maritime management from an environmental and policy-making point of view.
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Restricted)

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