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Authors: LEE XIN LI
Keywords: Architecture
Design Track
Master (Architecture)
Tsuto Sakamoto
2014/2015 Aki DT
Issue Date: 6-Aug-2015
Citation: LEE XIN LI (2015-08-06). CRAFT IN THE CITY - BALESTIER. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In 1985, an American visitor named Margaret Sullivan documented the daily craft in a developing Singapore, confidently concluded that both craft and urban development could go together as it is still very much of the daily life of the city. Fast forward to 2015, many of the once documented trades have been driven to extinction as the old trades has been dispersed while the new faces similar challenges such as the lack of a flow of knowledge and shortage of space. How can today’s craft, which has evolved from an everyday essential to a serious hobby be part of a contemporary Singapore that is rapidly changing? This thesis takes inspiration from the synergetic relationships found in the lighting industry in Balestier, its historical context as both a medical retreat since the 1930s and an industrial and technical education hub in the 1960s. The thesis aims to come up with an organic phased synergetic network to both accommodate the urban growth and transformations in the city while finding a place for craft to both grow and advance in Balestier, situated between the “heartlands” and the “city”. Intended to take place over an unspecified period of time, an ecosystem of craft establishments could be cultivated within the urban landscape of Balestier, shaping itself according to circumstances.
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Restricted)

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