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Title: Management of upgrading projects in HDB estates
Keywords: Building
Project and Facilities Management
Low Sui Pheng
2009/2010 PFM
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2010
Citation: LYE LI JUN LAURA (2010-06-02T04:11:04Z). Management of upgrading projects in HDB estates. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Upgrading programmes for Singapore’s housing estates was first rolled out in 1989 by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) to bridge the gap between the standards of the older estates and that of the newer towns. Today, two decades later, the upgrading programmes are still in place, now with increased focus on flexibility and resident consultation. The engagement of residents in decision-making of matters affecting their immediate neighbourhood can be found in many of the upgrading programmes. While it is recognised that the upgrading programmes are imperative components of public housing, in order to keep up with the ever-continuing rise in affluence and hence expectation of the people, these upgrading programmes need to be carried out with a complete understanding of residents’ needs and perceptions, which may change over time. To achieve that, communication between the residents and the management of upgrading projects is integral to ensure that what is provided is what the residents need and want. This study assesses the management of communication during different stages of typical upgrading projects in the HDB estates, and also the various communication channels employed by the relevant authorities to dissipate information to the residents. It is important to note that communication is not simply concerned with the dispatching of messages, but also whether the intended recipients receive them. It was observed through interviews with a Town Council Property Manager as well a Senior Engineer from HDB that a lot of effort was put in to foster good relationships with residents, and also to ensure that they are kept informed about the upgrading works. However, findings from the survey conducted revealed that the satisfaction levels of residents generally still fall short of their expectations, which indicates that communication in the management of upgrading projects in HDB estates remains an area that needs to be improved and enhanced in the near future.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor's Theses

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