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Keywords: Architecture
Tse Swee Ling
Issue Date: 24-Oct-2009
Citation: YEK JIELING BRENDA (2009-10-24T06:00:39Z). SPACELESS LIVING : COMPACT LIVING IN SINGAPORE. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In the land-scarce Singapore, 95 per cent of the residents live in apartments. With the scenario of diminishing land availability and growing population, it is anticipated that living spaces would be shrinking. This could pose a problem to the society and may adversely affect the quality of living spaces. Hence, this dissertation would investigate the issue of compact living and how it can be achieved without compromising quality of living. Space-squeezed cities such as Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London will be examined as to how they cope with the constraint of land and compact living. The space-saving strategies are critical in shaping quality living in compact spaces. The space-saving strategies highlighted are: 1. Smart planning 2. Multifunctional space design 3. Use of the collapsible and multifunctional furniture 4. Efficient Storage To alleviate claustrophobic and cramp compact dwelling, the importance of the above strategies are demonstrated in the case studies. The investigation would culminate in chapter 6 where compact living in Singapore is examined and discussed. Its possible future development and impact on the society is also elaborated.
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Restricted)

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