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Issue Date: 1995
Citation: SOH SEOK HOON (1995). FANDOM IN SINGAPORE. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This is a study on Chinese pop fans in Singapore. One of the main reason for choosing this topic is the lack of such studies. The only source of information about them are from the mass media. However, I am aware of the inaccurate reports from the media, due to my subjective position as a fan Hence one of the main objective of this study is to give the fan's side of the story. I approached this topic from three conceptual levels, namely: the individual; the subcultural; and the structural. I began at the macro level looking into the historical development of the structure, from the mid-80s to the present, which affected the development of fandom in Singapore. With this as background information, I explored how individuals are transformed into fans. The subculture of fans developed as fans began to organize themselves to bargain with records companies. However, the development of fandom did not stop here. I looked into the last stage of fandom, where I attempted to answer the question on the future of fandom. Lastly, I tried to make the linkages between the three levels. As this is a pioneering work, I see great opportunties for future research. All three conceptual levels can be dealt with in more details, as each can be a reseach topic on its own. However, due to the constrain of space I cannot deal with them in greater detail. If there is no words limit I would love to write more on fans clubs, specialty shops, FM 93. 3 music award and pop concerts. I hope that this study will generate greater interest on cultural studies in Singapore.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor's Theses

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