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Title: Data from: Predatory dipteran larva contributes to nutrient sequestration in a carnivorous pitcher plant
Creators: Lam, Weng Ngai
Lim, Robyn J.Y.
Wong, Shi Hong
Tan, Hugh Tiang Wah 
Subject: Nutritional mutualism
Cross-habitat predation
DOI: doi:10.5061/dryad.b7n6h
Description: The fluids of Nepenthes pitcher plants are habitats to many specialised animals known as inquilines, which facilitate the conversion of prey protein into pitcher-absorbable nitrogen forms such as ammonium. Xenoplatyura beaveri (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) is a predatory dipteran inquiline that inhabits the pitchers of N. ampullaria. Larvae of X. beaveri construct sticky webs over the fluid surface of N. ampullaria to ensnare emerging adult dipteran inquilines. However, the interaction between X. beaveri and its host has never been examined before, as it is not known if X. beaveri can contribute to nutrient sequestration in N. ampullaria. X. beaveri individuals were reared in artificial pitchers in the laboratory on a diet of emergent Tripteroides tenax mosquitoes, and the ammonium concentration of the pitcher fluids were measured over time. Fluid ammonium concentration in tubes containing X. beaveri were significantly greater than those of the controls. Furthermore, fluid ammonium concentrations increased greatly after X. beaveri larvae metamorphosed, although the cause for this increase could not be identified. Our results show that a terrestrial, inquiline predator can contribute significantly to nutrient sequestration in the phytotelma it inhabits, and suggest that this interaction has a net mutualistic outcome for both species.
Related Publications: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0716
Citation: When using this data, please cite the original publication and also the dataset.
  • Lam WN, Lim RJY, Wong SH, Tan HTW (2018) Predatory dipteran larva contributes to nutrient sequestration in a carnivorous pitcher plant. Biology Letters 14(3): 20170716.
  • Lam, Weng Ngai, Lim, Robyn J.Y., Wong, Shi Hong, Tan, Hugh Tiang Wah (2018-08-28). Data from: Predatory dipteran larva contributes to nutrient sequestration in a carnivorous pitcher plant. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. [Dataset].
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Predatory dipteran larva contributes.csvArtificial pitchers (Vials) are setup with two treatment conditions (Treatment = X. beaveri or control) in the laboratory. Each artificial pitcher is supplied with varying numbers of T. tenax pupae over time (moz). Amount of ammonium (NH4 mmol) in artificial pitchers is determined at 3-week intervals over the course of the experiment, until X. beaveri emerge (Emergence; 1=yes, 0=no). Vials belonging to the same Pair number were commenced on the same day, and supplied with the same number of mosquito pupae over the course of the experiment.1.35 kBCSV



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