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Title: Incidence of abnormal haemoglobins in different ethnic groups of Indians
Authors: Saha, N. 
Banerjee, B.
Issue Date: Dec-1971
Citation: Saha, N., Banerjee, B. (1971-12). Incidence of abnormal haemoglobins in different ethnic groups of Indians. Human Genetics 11 (4) : 300-303. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: 1. 2455 unrelated Indian subjects of both sexes comprising of 651 North Indians and 1804 South Indians were investigated for the incidence of abnormal haemoglobins. 2. Out of 651 North Indian subjects 11 (1.7%) had abnormal haemoglobins. The genotypes of these 11 were as follows: AD-7, DD-1, AE-1, AH-1, AF-1. 3. Out of 1804 South Indian subjects 16 (0.9%) had abnormal haemoglobins. The genotypes of these 16 were as follows: AE-10, EE-2, AH-3, AD-1. 4. Altogether 7 families - 2 for D haemoglobin and 5 for E haemoglobin were investigated. There were 13 instances (including propositi) of D haemoglobin in 2 families and there were 21 instances (including propositi) of E haemoglobin in 5 families. 5. Neither the presence of D and E-haemoglobin nor haemoglobin H-trait was associated with any haematological disorder. 6. There was a case of severe anaemia (Hb - 6.2 gm%) in one Punjabi boy of 3 months with haemoglobin AF and it was associated with abnormal red cell morphology and this boy had 48% alkali resistant foetal haemoglobin. © 1971 Springer-Verlag.
Source Title: Human Genetics
ISSN: 03406717
DOI: 10.1007/BF00278657
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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