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Title: Planned Development, Social Stratification, and the Sexual Division of Labor in Singapore
Authors: Wong, A.K. 
Issue Date: 1981
Citation: Wong, A.K. (1981). Planned Development, Social Stratification, and the Sexual Division of Labor in Singapore. Signs 7 (2) : 434-452. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The sexual DofL in Singapore is examined. Singapore's development strategy, guided by an originally socialist-oriented government, emphasized import substitution at first, but then shifted to export-oriented industrialization, making great use of foreign capital & technology. The economic activity of women has increased substantially since independence was gained in 1965. LF statistics on women are reviewed. Development has greatly reduced the size of the informal economic sector, which formerly offered women an alternative area of economic activity. Education in Singapore has been focused on science & technology, combined with English proficiency, but women tend not to study technical fields. Malay & Indian women have increased their levels of economic activity much more rapidly than Chinese women; the three groups are now all economically active at the 42%-43% level. Traditional religious values regarding family have largely been set aside; women have made significant gains in household status, but retain primary responsibility for housework & child care. Overall, the basic sexual DofL remains unchanged, despite a number of secondary gains by women; development appears likely not to increase these gains, but to make women into a reserve LF. W. H. Stoddard.
Source Title: Signs
ISSN: 00979740
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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